Lucy is teething, yes fun for me at 4 months. On top of that she either has the sniffles and an itty bitty cough because of that or she has a wee bitty cold.
She has been SO cranky, I have the humphrey's teething tablet but they don't dissolve very quickly so we've been dissolving them in a bit of water and rubbing them on her gums, that seems to take the edge off.
But her going to sleep has been HORRIBLE, I don't know if it is because when she's moving she doesn't feel the pain as much or what. But it's this horrible painful scream. If it wasn't for the swing she wouldn't be sleeping.
She slept in the swing the whole night last night it was the only thing that would allow her to fall asleep. We even gave her tylenol but after 4 hours it didn't seem to work anymore. I even laid on the couch propped up and held her because everytime I put her down she would SCREAM. But she wouldn't fall asleep even with that so she went back in the swing.
She usually takes her paci and drifts off fairly easily. This is for the birds.
Do you have any suggestions for how to make her teeth hurt less? Someone suggested Hylands teething tablets so after this nap we may go get those. I tried a cold spoon and she FLIPPED. Otherwise she is trying to shove her fist as far in her mouth as possible, poor girl.
Thanks for reading the novel if you got this far and I would LOVE some suggestions.
Re: Mom's come in (long-ish)!
i'm not a mom but my sister has a 2 yr old. she had the same problem with the 'laying down to sleep' part too! i asked her and she used the hylands tablets which worked wonders! i'm sooo sorry and good luck!
added: i don't know if lucy eats 'food' yet but chopped up cold/frozen bananas helped my nephew too.
We were fairly lucky with Ry. We didn't even know he was teething until we saw a small sliver of white on his gums. But there were a few days (week) that it was horrible. I never did tablets. I did a frozen wet washcloth, and those frozen teethers. Also, I know you're looking into the razzberry vibrating teether, we have a big giant grape thing that vibrates. Freaked him out the first time, and he started crying, but he got used to it, so we would jsut hold that in his mouth for a while. Tylenol is a big help for sleeping, for us anyway.
The way we did the frozen washcloth was, we wet it, froze it, and wrapped it around our finger and let him chew on it. The combination of frozen and hard surface really released the tension for him.
As for sleeping, he ended up sleeping in his chair a lot of the time, many overnights on the couch for me.
Not sure if any of that helps, but that's all I got! Good luck! give Lucy big kisseys for me!
I totally forgot to mention the best thing!! Orajel nighttime for babies!!! And Orajel daytime for babies! Worked great; we of course didn't find any until about the last day of hell, although that might be why it was the last day of hell.
Like I told you before, I don't like drugging my child, but when it comes to my sanity of giving him Tylenol or Orajel, it's gonna be the drugs. I had many crying sessions with him.
there have been a few nights where i've had to give dominic motrin,teething tablets, as well as orajel. the teething tablets dissolve almost right away, you don't need to worry about those. the humphreys suck and i don't even think it says they dissolve in the mouth, pretty sure it only tells you to use the water to dissolve it. i accidentally got those once and i took them back. i have absolutely no problem giving dominic pain medication when he needs it, that's what it's there for.
is she pulling on her ears? with the whole laying down thing, i'm wondering if it's the teeth or it's something else like an ear infection? don't be afraid to let her sleep in her swing if she needs it, she has plenty of time to sleep in her crib! you're lucky she will still actually tolerate the swing!
nope shannon no ear tugging at all, her hands are in her mouth all the time. We were just at the pedi last friday and her ears were fine then so I'm hoping it isn't that.