Alright, i need some advice on how to get rid of skunks in our yard! We have a German Shepherd and you think that would be enough of a deterrent, but no...again (3rd time this spring) last night a skunk sprayed right outside our kitchen window and fumigated my house with skunk smell! To make matters worse, our girls slept for a 6 hour stretch last night, but we didn't get to enjoy it because we woke up to the stupid skunk!
FWIW: We do have a dog food bowl out for our dog. We fill it in the morning, and by the evening she has it emptied. The problem is that the dog will go and bury mouthfuls of dog food in the yard. There is no way to know where she has it hidden all over our yard (she was an abandoned/abused dog when we got her, so I think that's where it come from). So I know that this is probably what is attracting the skunks to our yard. I want to know if there is some sort of deterrent that will ultimately get the skunks to look elsewhere...or a trick that gets the dog to stop burying food in the yard! TIA!
Re: Skunks!
I've heard you can spray ammonia around the perimeter of your yard.
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