Hi ladies,
DH and I are looking to move to Columbus this summer from Oregon. We're currently looking for jobs and a place to live so I'd thought I ask you all for recommendations about areas to live in. DH is hoping to get accepted into a PhD program next fall at Ohio State so we'd like to live within 15-20 min of campus. Nearby suburbs are fine.
Also, DH is looking for a teaching job and I'm looking for something related to nutrition (in two weeks I will have bachelor's in nutrition!) so if you guys have any job search recommendations or places to look that would definitely help. I'm really excited and looking forward to living somewhere new! Feel free to include what you love about your city! TIA
Re: future newbie introduction
Hi, I see you posted a little while ago, but hopefully you see this! I am moving to Columbus this summer (in a few weeks actually!) too so I thought I would give you a little advice. My BIL lives there so I am familiar with the area. DH and I are looking in the German Village area, which is the historical area of town and not too far from campus. If you want some other places near campus, I really like Victorian Village and I have heard that Clintonville has some nice places too. Of course, in any of these areas you will find some "ghetto" places but you can find some really nice places too!
Check out ohiomeansjobs.com for any job postings. They pull from search engines and individual companies that post job openings. I am also looking for a teaching job and the best resource is Ohio Department of Education website or just checking out individual school websites. What area is he looking into? I am 7-12th grade social studies.
You will love Columbus - lots of great restaurants, festivals, shopping and things to do!
We love Upper Arlington, the suburb right next to OSU within the outerbelt. It's only 7-10 minutes to OSU, depending on which traffic lights you hit. Check out Wallace F. Ackley's properties, awesome townhomes, many with hardwood floors. Upper Arlington is super safe, and we love to walk and bike through the old neighborhoods and Northam Park!
Another bonus...it only takes 15 min to get downtown to the Short North, German Village, or Arena District. You MUST go to Lindey's and eat on the patio! It's delicious..the food and the atmosphere!
my read shelf:
HI! - I just joined this site. Me and my husband currently live in German Village / Brewery District area which is just south of downtown. We like it but just actually put a contract on a house in Hillard (about 15 minutes west of downtown) its more of the suburbs, but then again its still close to everything. If you get out of downtown a little, you could spend a lot less $ for what you are getting. OSU is pretty much centrally located (which is about 5-10 minutes from the hillard area too) - good luck!!