We have done really well this year and have gotten a lot from our garden. We couldn't give away enough lettuce before it bolted, tomatoes are being picked every day, and we just dug up our first round of potatoes. My son dug one out and could care less after that :-)
We had a rabbit problem (no longer since the fence and netting is up) but the little bugger ate all the carrot, onions, asparagus, and beans before I could get rid of him. Had no fear whatsoever. jumped up into the raised beds and just made himself at home.
All the melons ( cantaloupes, moss and watermelon) are coming along nicely and we should have cucumbers in a few days.
Anyone grown corn in your raised bed? The first set of seeds that I planted didn't do so well only one or two have taken off so I replanted recently. It might just be the type of corn, but I don't know since I haven't done them before.
I love seeing everyone's pictures and posts so I'm working on that too.
Re: What are you harvesting?
i'm jealous of your location. I JUST started planting yesterday.
strawberries are just ending, so I still get a couple a day. I'm still getting a lot of sugar snap peas. I've harvested about 10 potatoes but I'm waiting to actually pull the crop until next weekend.
I've had 1 ripe raspberry so far, blackberries are starting and I have a tonne of tomatoes waiting to turn.
I'm in a pretty similar situation, except my corn is around 4 ft. and my mustard bolted a couple of weeks ago (I'm allowing it to seed so I can make some mustard). I have a couple of very teeny green tomatoes, but mostly flowers. My summer squash got buds just this weekend.
I'm getting piles of tomatoes and potatoes right now. I have a couple of peppers growing but the plants are seeming to get any bigger. I'm getting a couple of summer squash a week and will be picking my first cucumbers this week. Green beans are setting new flowers so hopefully some more of those soon. My sugar snap peas have awoken from the dead and are producing again. My yellow pear tomato is shading it so I think that's why it is still going. My eggplants and tomatillos have tons of flowers but still nothing. The flowers just fall off. I can't figure out what's going on there.
Here in Wisconsin, it's radishes, spring greens (lettuce, spinach), early spring onions. Asparagus and morel season are wrapping up. Peas should be up next.
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No harvests yet except for my herbs. My cilantro is growing like crazy so I cut a bunch off this weekend.
As far as fruits and veggies go, it looks like a few strawberries will be ready tomorrow. We had a few last week but the squirrels got them before I could pick them. I have two tomato plants that have lots of small green tomatoes so probably a few more weeks for those. The cucumber plants just went in two weeks ago, so they're still growing. Jalapenos and green pepper have flowered, but the fruit itself is still very small. I have a feeling they're all going to ripen while I'm on vacation in two weeks. GAH!
Are your eggplants and tomatillos being pollinated soon enough? You might have to do it by hand. I had to do that with some of the squash.
Now I want a bee hive in my backyard.
I've tried hand pollinating with zero luck. From what I've read, eggplants are wind pollinated like tomatoes so I'm not sure why they aren't growing.