Could this case get any more weird? Chloroform found in Casey's car?? "high amounts"- WTH? And evidence that Casey googled cholorform on her laptop?
And did you see her new version about what happened? (copied from
"The story she gave them was she went to Jay Blanchard Park, Zenaida and her older sister, Samantha, and Samantha's three young children were there and they were driving a silver Ford whatever and one of them jumped her and the other one took the baby and took her and said,'Hey, this is the script. For the next 30 days, you read this to law enforcement and tell them this is what happened' and they zoomed off," bounty hunter Leonard Padilla said.
Re: **brandyb**
Whoa I hadn't heard about that story. I swear there are so many lies in this case it's just crazy.
Tonight on Nancy Grace, they said that an anonymous person posted bail and she will be getting out tomorrow. ?WTF
And the guy who posted the original bail said that he thinks the new person who's posting bail is doing so because they got the rights to the movie & the book deals. Seriously people? There is a kid missing (or a corpse out there somewhere) and they are worried about that. Sick & disturbing if true.
And... are you annoyed with the grandparents? I am disbelief that they continue to support their daughter. Their daughter is a trainwreck. And today they were complaining about the eccusearch team not doing a good enough job. Unbelieveable.
I am fuming just thinking about all this...?