I lurk on a theme park board and people were complaining about the Universal Halloween Horror Night banner ads that were at the top of the message boards screens. "It's too scary." "I don't like it." "You need to change it." Etc., etc., etc.
So the message board changed them to a less "scary" one (though it wasn't scary to start...it was Bloody Mary's eyes looking at you from a mirror).
Now the Orlando Sentinel is running an article about how a Moms group here in Orlando is protesting the Universal billboards, and how they're "too scary and graphic" and need to be taken down. Good grief. They're just billboards. I think that they're the best that UO has done for HHN in YEARS! My daughter understands that its make-believe and it doesn't bother her in the least. However, knowing how much people complain about stuff like that, I expect UO to cave and take them down in the next few weeks or so...
Re: Let's talk about the Universal billboards.
I actually thought it was a little scary (mainly cause I'm a chicken shit) but I thought it was well done. I mean nothing to bring them down for...
Isn't the point to be scary?
The billboards scared the begeezies out of me!!
I have traumatic experiences with Bloody Mary as a kid ... being locked in a dark bathroom with friends screaming Bloody Mary.
I've been to every single HHN's since I moved here but I don't think I'll being going this year... Ok, I totally sound like a wussy
I wish all billboards could just go away. I think they are all tacky.
While I have not seen the recent billboards for HHN, there was one in past years with the scary monster looking clown on it that freaked the crap out of my niece while they were at a stop light so she could sit there and stare at it. Maybe cause it was a clown and kids have issues with clowns sometimes? I am not sure, but I remember my sister having to help her through some issues with nightmares about "scary clown people."
Manny...yup, it's supposed to be scary. That's the big point of HHN and apparently parents forget that
It's just annoying that some parents are saying that images like that provoke children to become mean, abusive, etc. as they get older. Uh, Spongebob has some issues with violence. There are REALLY mean kids in the High School Musical movies. Don't those teach kids to act that way? An image on the side of I-4 isn't going to dictate to a child about how they should act.
And like Ro, Bloody Mary scared me to death when I was a kid. Funny fact: I still to this day can not go into a bathroom with no lights on, I can not sleep with the closet door open and I SURE as heck can not sleep with a television facing me. I'll turn it to the wall or throw a blanket over it (hence no t.v. in our bedroom).
But I'm looking forward to HHN. LeeAnn and I are going!
The only time I went to HHN (back in like 1994 I think?) a character chased me down the street with a fake ax. He probably hand picked me as a sissy. It was hilarious but scared the HELLZ outta me at the time. The lines and crowds are the only thing keeping me from going back. I just dont do well with lines anymore.
Yeah the lines are atrocious. The only way its worth going now is if you get that special pass thingy I hears some people got that helps you get through without waiting so long in line. I literally spent most of my time in lines last year when I went for the first time.
If you go on an off day like Thursday or Friday, the lines are a little better. I went last year on a Friday right when they opened. We breezed thru all the houses in about 90 minutes. It's scarier when it's dark but the majority of the people wait until later to go so lines are longer.
And whoever said they still can't go into a bathroom with no lights on, that's me too!!
I think I need counseling.
I'm with Whatley on all billboards being annoying. JD and I actually discussed that this weekend while driving on I-75.
Regardless, if we are going to eliminate billboards that are too "scary" since they might make a child mean, how about eliminating billboards for alcohol as well. Where does this "censorship" end?
Note: Not trying to get everyone all riled up so don't start yelling at me.
Here's an article from today's Orlando Sentinel. Mom's to Universal Orlando: 'Blood Mary' billboards too horrible.
Disclaimer: There is a large picture of the billboard at the top of the article.
I used to work at Universal. I worked in lots of plaves, but I used to be a VIP guide and worked many a Halloween Horror Night. (I also worked as an actor for various shows -- but not a scareactor)
I would have to tour VIPs through the haunted houses. They were drunk off their butts and would always make me go first. (I learned not to get scared, but all the actors knew I was coming and tried to scare me all the time) I so hated it. When I was in my 20's it was super fun, but the older I got the crazier it got. It was a drunk fest and unless I was VIP, I would dream of going there. Huge lines and crazy people.
I am guess I am an old person now!
wait, what about me? I'm confused.
I think they said Jack, not Jacki...
I think the the exclamation threw you off (Jack!)
You are correct!
This is Jack (hiding eyes):