My tomato seedlings grew like crazy, so I needed to get them put outside when the night temps were still in the lower 40s.
My Dad suggested getting some Walls of Water to put around them to keep them warm at night; you fill them with water, and the water absorbs warmth from the sun during the day and retains it at night. I got a set of 3, so I tested it on two of my tomato plants, and left my two backup tomato plants without the Walls.
The tomatoes with the Walls did so much better! They were growing out the top of the Walls, so last night Jeff and I took them out and put up their cages. Then we put the Walls around the other backup tomato plants to see how they improve.
Check it out:
Backup tomato plant that didn't have a Wall of Water
The two tomato plants that did have the Walls.
Re: Walls of Water = Awesome!