Hey everybody. I want to first thank all of you for all of your prayers and positive thoughts for our famil . We have felt the presence of the Lord in our most difficult times and we know that we' ve gotten through part of this valley because God has been right there with us. As most of you know, my mom has been fight ing cance r in her stoma ch since late last year. She' s been going throu gh chemo thera py since Janua ry of this year and we were infor med that her cance rous tumor keeps on growi ng. The docto rs have prett y much told us they can not doing anyth ing else for her since the chemo doesn 't work, but we will NOT give up. We' ve found an alter nativ e treat ment for her and have decid ed that would be the best optio n for her right now. Howev er, their cost is high and she needs treat ment right away. Her pain is unbea rable and the tumor is growi ng. We invit e you to help us raise funds for her treat ment. Every littl e bit count s. We are havin g a benef it dinne r for my mom, Rebec a Corne jo, to raise funds to pay for the treat ment that she needs . The dinne r will be on ... Satur day, Septe mber 27th at 6: 30pm. Cost: $25. 00 Where : MEFC, 415 W. Torra nce Blvd. , Carso n, CA 90745 There will be a delic ious dinne r, live enter tainm ent, and a silen t aucti on. I have tickets available now. Please help us, every little bit counts. For more information, please feel free to call me at ( 310) 491- 8791. Thank you and be blessed. Jarum y Parra jarumyparra@marykay. om |
Re: Cancer...we're fighting back!