Hi there!
Can you please tell us who you are?
I don't recall an intro post from you. A few days ago I saw a random post on MM from you about "crazy bumpies stealing my pictures" and it turns out, that YOU were actually accused of doing that a few months ago, and you have some "beef" with the 3-6 board, or whatever, drama drama blah blah blah... That you were copying pics off FB and saving them, or something...?
And now you are posting all the time on our board.
We have a nice group of girls here, and we don't do drama on this board. So before anyone meets up with you in person, or becomes friends on FB (which apparently has been drama filled for you), can you please explain the sitch to us?
Who are you, what was your previous screenname, etc? What was the drama?
Disclaimer: I tend to be very blunt and say what's on my mind. Because of that, some people don't like me (shocker, right!). I think the Bump is full of crazy whackadoodles myself. I have my own haters on the Bump who have done some fairly psycho shiit to me in the past. So I can't take it lightly when someone is accused of being an e-stalker, because I already have plenty of those, and I really don't want anymore, ya know? And I wouldn't want for you to become friends on FB with someone that I know, and then for you to start stealing my pics...that wouldn't end well, KWIM?
Also, the reason I posted this in public like this, is that I don't like to talk behind people's backs, and rather than just say "Hey girls don't hang out with this wacky chick" I thought I would give everyone the same info I have, and let them form their own opinions, and hopefully get some answers from you. There's all kinds of lies and misconceptions about me on the internetz, but I know that I am a good, honest person. So, I'm hoping maybe this is all just some wacky misunderstanding!
If you aren't comfortable answering here, feel free to PM me!
Re: C+S=forever
I am a regular on 3-6 and amd SO looking forward to hearing what C+S has to say since I was keeping up on all the drama...
Agreed that the local boards on both TB and TN are so so drama free... and if we could keep it that way it would be great.
Click here for my blog!
Here it is, I started on TB when I got pregnant.
I was Salena.M I had no clue about parenting and posted about CIO in 3rd tri, saying how I thought that it was totally do able and people of course flamed me to high hell and back. I GBSB'd and came back under another SN LuckyAbby. I became really good friends with a bunch of ladies all in our 3rd tri, one of which was T_ you might remember her as tstumph from her first tri days. There was a poster DN9 (If you know the reference you know, if not I don't want to go into details) T and a bunch of girls and I created an off board,while we were still pregnant. We would talk about DN9 and other posters we didn't like, we also talked about our lives, and we let each other into our e-lives. I really truly regret letting any of them into my life.
I had my son, but I was still able to make time for the ladies of the chat, they refer to themselves as the CKC now. after a while the other ladies had their babies. T had her son, and we were still great friends. texting, IMing, FB.
She posted on the chat a lot about how many problems her and her BF had, they would fight a lot and she confided in me a couple times about wanting to leave him. They broke up and I thought I was being supportive and told her she was way to good for him, and that he was a loser for leaving her and his son for like 3 weeks with zero contact.
I guess she didn't think I was being supportive. One night I went to log into the chat room and I was locked out. I FB'd T and she said it was cause I was talking sh!t about her in the chat. I never said ANYTHING in the chat, I thought it was stupid she wanted to stay with someone that was mentally abusive and mean to her, and from an outsiders perspective, a douchenozzel.
I took a bump hiatus and then went back to TB under the SN C_mommy. I was never a drama starter, I went back and apologized to the people I had hurt while I was friends with the CKC girls. ETA: C_mommy got banned because of the existing drama with DN9.
I had been banned for some things I wrote about DN9. I have gone back and we have PM'd and we are good now.
I have never stolen anyones photos. T used to take DN9's FB photo and post it when ever she would get a new SN. To "out" her.
I have always thought that was a very scary level of crazy. I don't think this is funny by any means, I just thinks its ironic the same chicks that are claiming that I stole pictures, are the ones that went and took my childs photo off of FB.
I came to the nest for a "fresh start" I have not been a trouble starter for anyone, and I feel like I'm normally pretty encouraging.
I hadn't really ever posted on this board before. I was looking for recs on B-pic photogs since I don't really know how to go about finding someone I trust.
Trust me, I have had some e-stalkers, and I am honest and truly done with the drama. I would have never posted on MM about them stealing my DS' photos had I understood how the reporting process worked. I thought it was by volume.
If you've read any of my posts about my mother, you will know I have enough IRL drama that I don't need any on the internet.
Sorry this is so long
I really appreciate you answering, thank you!
I remember T-Stumph, wasn't she known for being pyscho even back when she was in 1st tri??? I can't remember the exact drama...just the repeated flamings and bannings, right? So were you friends with B!tchBeckman?
Also, this is all a perfect example of why I stopped posting on the Bump before I even had my kid. Them biitches are CRAZY.
She has always been on the crazy side. She posted about retarded kids (her words not mine) shouldn't get better grades cause they are retarded. She posted how she HATES fat people. Just weird stuff. She had mellowed waaay out when we were friends, but she got crazy like that again after her child was born. She claims she has PPD, but then makes fun of other people for having it. So IDK what to make of that.
I remember B!tchBeckman, but we weren't friends, I remember T flamed her for "living in a trailor" like way back in second tri.
Oh and I'm not crazy for remember all this stuff, I just have a really good long term memory.
ETA: I don't know who the AE's on 3-6 are now. I've always suspected T of making AE's and posting like its me. She's always the first to "know" it me. She's done it before.
I'm a MOD on the bump and I remember all this drama. Listen CS, I mean this in the nicest way possible, and I'm sorry in advance for offending you, but you make me a little nervous.
It has been my experience that people who participate in 'secret' chats/boards just to gossip about others have a few screws loose. Plus, as a MOD, I can see more of the backstory than other regular posters.
All kinds of crazy psycho shizz has gone down on the boards that has affected people IRL. People have had their offices contacted, their DH's emailed, police called on made up charges, etc. And typically, the ones who do this crazy shizz are also the ones who are so invested in the Bump drama that they create secret boards and chats.
Maybe you're the exception to the rule, I dunno. But like I said, you make me nervous. So, until my IRL friends can vouch for you (Em is getting together with you I see), I can't chance any of that drama around my son.
If you're in fact not crazy, I think you'll understand.
Learning to start all over again... Blog
Hey, I totally understand. I agree the off-boards are a very odd thing. I participated in an off board over 6 months ago. I am the first to say that I was WAAAAY to invested in some of the drama. Thats what happens when you haven't had your kid yet, and you stay home all day. You find things to occupy your time. Like I said, I have enough IRL drama with my family, I'm so over it on the internet.
I am so not offended by the way. wish I had been more cautious with these people before they knew so much about me.
Well, by responding rationally; youre already making me a little less nervous
Most of us are IRL friends, and I would never want to make anyone feel unwelcome. That wasn't my intention at all. I'm just trying to protect myself and my friends. Once you're around more, I'm sure I'll be less cautious.
But seriously, the kind of things that other Nesties/Bumpies have done to each other should make anyone nervous.
Um, yes.
I don't feel unwelcome at all, I mean I am actually really glad we could clear the air about this in a non-confrontational way. Honestly I wish people would grill people that were "questionable" maybe it would have saved me a lot of drama on TB.
I've only been on TB and TN for a little over a year, I was very naive, my first SN was my first name, last initial. But yes, I think being cautious is the way to be. I have removed all my bump FB friends, and won't be adding any one new until I have actually met them.
The internet isn't as anonymous as people like to think, I agree with you, its full of crazies.
Stupid nest double post
::Butting In::
I RUN screaming from drama, I have enough parental drama in my own life thankyouverymuch, and this post is scaring the sh!t out of me. There are women that create secret chat societies to badmouth? WTF?!
Why can't we all just love each other and be nice to one another? I LOVE the ladies that I've met IRL and feel that some of the people on this board are friends I can really trust. But I get nervous, almost nauseated thinking that women turn on each other like that. Yikes.
Kum ba ya, kum ba ya...
::holds hand singing kum ba ya::
I agree with what you said, its very childish, I will admit it. Back in the tri days I got swept up in having e-popularity and feeling like I was part of a group. Its down right scary too.
By the way, you should (if you've not already) put your 2 cents into the doggy gtg post below cause your dogs are CUTE
Oh, you should have seen Nan with her Finley last weekend! They had a blast and he is SO cute and scruffy!
So its Finley and what are the other two's names?
So its Finley and what are the other two's names?
I did respond to your post re: a dog GTG.
awesome. Thats cute Blue the heeler.
hopefully we can figure out a time and date that works for everyone to go to an off leash. Once I get to know people IRL, and you guys get to know me, we have a really big, fully fenced yard that we could have G2G at.