Hi!! I am very new to gardening--my mom just helped me start a garden about a month ago for our new house. We planted a few bushes of hydrangeas, but they seem to be drying out and wilting even thought we water them every day. I live in west Texas, which is VERY dry and VERY hot (it has been over 100 for the last 2 weeks). We planted them in an area that gets shade in the morning, sun in the afternoon...should I think about moving them? When?
Also, we have several crape myrtle trees that I think need to be pruned to keep their "tree" shape...is this right? I read it on a gardening website but Im afraid I misunderstood. Also, I can see little dried blooms on it (probably from last year)--should I prune those as well?
Re: Question about Hydrangea and Crape Myrtle
Gretchen Evie, born 7/8/2012 at 35w5d
Hydrangeas wilt. It's just what they do. Water them in the morning and evening and they'll perk back up. They would definitely prefer morning sun and afternoon shade, so think about moving them in the fall. (Do not move them now - they'll keel over and die on ya - too much stress.)
<Stepping onto crepe myrtle soap box> Crepes do need to be pruned and there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. Crepes should never ever ever never ever be topped - that's called crepe murder and it's a crime. Crepes do not need to be pruned to flower better - that's a myth - they flower beautifully on abandoned homesteads, in cemeteries, etc, where no one ever takes care of them.
Here are four good references for the care and feeding of your crepe. If you only have time for one, read number three - the author's funny.
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Gretchen Evie, born 7/8/2012 at 35w5d
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Thinking of doing cosmetic updates to a dated home? These were our costs.
Hydrangea should get morning SUN and afternoon SHADE especially in the hot climates. If they do not have shade during the hottest part of the day, they will fry.
Crepe myrtle bloom are on branch tips so they do well with pruning. In GA everyone prunes them back to main branches in early spring. Of course, this keeps them from growing into trees. If you want to see amazing crepes check out Norfolk, VA when crepes are planted on every street and allowed to grow into trees. In July-August they are spectacular!
Chose 3-5 of the strongest stems and cut all other suckers to the ground.
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