I have several books, but can't find an answer to my questions...
I planted potatoes in one of the raised veggie boxes that runs along the fence. That was about two months ago (Seattle/Tacoma area). Next to the potatoes, I planted tomatoe plants (about 3 weeks ago) and interplanted with lettuce that should be done before the tomatoes shade it. The problem is, that the potatoes are just all over the place and they're currently 4-5 feet tall, leaning to the sides and therefore shadowing the tomatoes. I can't find any info on when are the potatoes ready to pull. This is my first year growing them.
Second question: Planted 12 plants of snow and sugar peas along a trellis (both sides, so 24 plants). I'm harvesting about 6 cups a week and they are still flowering. Would you happen to know how many times they're gonna flower? Is it just one time type of a deal, or am I gonna be getting peas all summer?
Re: kastle-potatoe and pea questions
To be honest, I've never grown peas or potatoes. Hopefully others will chime in.
I do know that peas are generally spring time veg so you probably won't be getting them thru the summer. Not sure if your climate is temperate enough for that to happen or not (DC area certainly isn't!)
my potatoes have never gotten more than about 2 feet off the ground. Because they are in raised beds I just poked my finger in and pull up potatoes as needed.
My sugar snap peas lasted about 1 month. It is too hot for them now in TN. I pulled them out last week and planted broccoli yesterday from seed.
Potatoes are ready when you can dig down a little and find some potatoes. It won't hurt the plant to take some now if they are big enough.
Peas will continue flowering until it gets too hot for them. Mine are actually still going (in Houston were it is 95+ now) because my yellow pear tomato is 6.5 ft tall and completely shading it. I'm still getting about a cup a week of sugar snap peas.
DX: Premature ovarian failure
::::SAIFW::::: People call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute. - Rebecca West