Allison had her 4 mo check up this morning and she 'passed' with flying colors! She weighed in at 15 lb. 14 oz, 27 1/4 inces long, and a head circumference of 16 inches. Wow!
She kept laughing and "talking" to her sweet! I'm hoping we get to keep him for as long as possible because he was the pedi in the OR when she was born and in the NICU with her. And he's seen her for every appointment so far....they've got history. lol. From what I understand, that's rare with Kaiser.
Her vaccinations made her cry way more this time, but once she got to snuggle with me for a few minutes sha calmed down.
here she is right after we left the office:
Re: 4 month appointment!
Aw she is so beautiful! I just smile everytime I see a new pic you put up of her.
I was at the dr this morning with Jewel for her 9 month appt. They grow up so fast! Wow and Allison is tall! Jewel is 29 inch
She's already so grown up ) And such a CUTIE!!!
BTW - Marley is 17 months & 18 lbs. ?She's going to pass her up in no time. LOL