So on friday when I finally got a hold of the doctor's assitant i was sechduled for a coloscopy. something about a microscope and my girly part... nothing about that sounds attractive.
Well, I went yesterday and they did the procedure and i have to say that when they say "you may feel some light cramping" never hurt so bad in my life... now i am just waiting for the result of said procedure to check for cervical cancer. I guess they decided to do a biopsy no matter what since i came back positive for High Risk HPV. I am not very patient and even though the doctor said i was very low on the scale of cervical cancer it is just really scary to think that that could be a possiblity...
But i just wanted to give you guys and update and thank you all for keeping me grounded with this because it is so easy to get all caught up and scared with not knowing...
Re: F/U to OB/GYN phone call....(again maybe TMI)
Yeah, I've had that a few times and it's NOT fun!!! I have a painful story about it but i won't tell it unless someone asks.
I'm sure you will be fine. It's scary though, I know!!
I had HPV too and have had checkups every 6 months for years now and I'll have an abnormal pap and then clear ones and then an abnormal pap, etc. I've been clear for over a year now though so that's good. Hoping this next one is good too so I can go back to yearly visits.
Ugh, I've been there too. Sorry, try not to let it take over your brain
I made strawberry cupcakes--if you lived closer I'd give you some
ps-I ate 3 for lunch!
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
Thank you ladies so very much. I think it is really awesome that when ever one of us is going thorough something happy/sad/scary we all ban together to help each other out...
I will def keep you updated, they said the result should be in in about 2 weeks or so.... i see a lot of baking to keep my mind busy hahaha
m/c 12/25/09 (5w5d) mm/c D&C 4/9/10 (11w1d) Take home baby 2/22/11
My boobies belong to cour10e
<a href="
That stinks you still don't have answers. I'm sorry, Jenn. The waiting has to be tough--even though the dr has reassured you that the chances are pretty minimal. Here's hoping the next couple weeks go fast & you hear good news!!
Did they ever explain why you didn't get a phone call about the results, instead finding out online? I would think with abnormal results, they'd call on those!
I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
Yea, she said she tried my work phone but that is impossible one because i always get my phone when it rings at work and two it log's all numbers that call in or out so i would have seen their number even if they had called when i was away from my desk.
I think they just forgot and didn't wnat to admit it. LAME lol
I mean seriously why wouldn't they call a person cell phone... I really lke the doctor but she could def use a different assistant.
Thanks guys