How about some get to know you questions for the newbie?
1. How old are you? 31 (ugh)
2. Any kids? 1- Blake (5 months)
3. Pets? Brody- Mutt (3 years next month); Chloe- Calico Kitty (6 years)
4. What do you do? Radio- National Sales Coordinator for 5 stations
5. What part of town do you live in? Glendale/Phoenix (we are on some funky borderline where our taxes go to the City of Phoenix, but we have a Glendale postal code? Glendale library denied me a free card because I don't live in "Glendale" yet my driver's license says so...Hmfpt!)
6. Married? Yes, 4 years in August
7. AZ Native? Nope...Born & Raised in the LA area (Manhattan Beach)
Re: Soo....
2. Any kids? Nope
3. Pets? Daisy Mae, our little Chiweenie, and we're expecting a new addition to the family shortly thanks to Brenda
4. What do you do? Bookkeeper and general admin for CPA firm
5. What part of town do you live in? Fountain Thrills
6. Married? Yes, celebrated our one year anni in May
7. AZ Native? Nope, born and (mostly) raised in CT
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
What CPA firm? DH is a CPA
1. How old are you? 26 (27 in August)
2. Any kids? Not yet, but I have an adorable Goddaughter!
3. Pets? Miley- dog (2), Simba (10), Nala (2), Budders (1 year) Cats
4. What do you do? Operations Management
5. What part of town do you live in? Laveen (tech Phoenix)
6. Married? Yes, just celebrated our 1 year anniversary
7. AZ Native? yep!
m/c 12/25/09 (5w5d) mm/c D&C 4/9/10 (11w1d) Take home baby 2/22/11
My boobies belong to cour10e
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
1. How old are you? 357 months ish...
2. Any kids? 4 boys... Chad is almost 13, Kaleb is 8, Christian is almost 7 and Will is 22 months
3. Pets? 1 cat. Her name is Minnie... I don't like her but my husband does so she stays, LoL
4. What do you do? I cook, clean, laundry, sweep, vacuum, change diapers, do dishes....
5. What part of town do you live in? Well, as some of the girls on here like to say, almost in California. My new favorite comes from Jenn's co-workers and that's 5 minutes (or is that miles... not sure) past the Hoover Dam.. Me, I like to call it Surprise.
6. Married? Yes Ma'am
7. AZ Native? Nope...Born and raised in Maine... transferred here from the Boston area almost a year ago!
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
1. How old are you? 33
2. Any kids? Nope
3. Pets? Bella & Marcel (cats)
4. What do you do? Work in a billing office for a national dialysis center
5. What part of town do you live in? Gilbert
6. Married? Yes, will be 3 years next month
7. AZ Native? Nope. Grew up in Washington. About an hour north of Seattle. We moved here a year ago from WA
1. How old are you? 31
2. Any kids? Nope
3. Pets? Ladmo, He just turned ONE on Monday! He is a Shih Tzu. And three cats, Dora, Tuki and Cash
4. What do you do? Well I was the admin assistant for 6 years but just got a big promotion at work! I also work PT on the weekends slinging wedding invites
5. What part of town do you live in? Phoenix/Glendal border.
6. Married? 1.5 years
7. AZ Native? Sure am, DH and I both!
Congrats!!! Whats the big promotion?!
2. Any kids? none
3. Pets? barack, our adopted ever so loved shih tzu mix he's 2ish according to our vet
4. What do you do? legal administrator for a health & wellness firm
5. What part of town do you live in? central-ish phoenix
6. Married? yeppers. 3.5 yrs
7. AZ Native? yes! hubbs is from colombia.
1. How old are you? 28
2. Any kids? Pregnant with our first!
3. Pets? Just one cat, Belle, whom I love dearly despite her anxiety issues (insert eye roll here).
4. What do you do? public relations for a career and technical school
5. What part of town do you live in? Northwest Phx, metrocenter area.
6. Married? Yep, it'll be two years in September.
7. AZ Native? Nope... born and raised in Cleveland. Mike is from eastern PA. We've both been out here for about 6 years (we met out here). Still trying to wrap my brain around the idea that my son will be an AZ native.
1. How old are you? 23
2. Any kids? Ryder, just turned one!
3. Pets? Nate - almost 3 years - pretty kitty.
4. What do you do? Nothing.
Take care of my babies. Yes, babies, that includes DH. Hopefully going to start looking for a job soon.
5. What part of town do you live in? N. Scottsdale
6. Married? No. I think Tay is more excited than I am lol
7. AZ Native? Nope.
really!? I grew up near Metro!
Yes. I'm so excited, I just can't hide it
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
2. Any kids? Gman-14 (yikes) Emster 3 1/2 (princess chatterbox), LB 20 months (firecracker)
3. Pets? Minny the Kitty4. What do you do? A little bit of this and a little bit of that--I've made the most moolah from working in commercial film production
5. What part of town do you live in? Glendale!
6. Married? Yup
7. AZ Native? We moved here when I was 6 from WA, I think of myself as pretty much a native
3. Pets? 2 dogs and a cat.4. What do you do? I'm a SAHM, but looking to return to work. I was an engineer before kids.
5. What part of town do you live in? Chandler6. Married? Will be 5 years in November.
7. AZ Native? 7th generation. Seriously.
1. How old are you? 27
2. Any kids? not yet...
3. Pets? Charlie and Winston (chihuahua mixes) 5 years, Toby and Scout (cats) 4 years
4. What do you do? 3rd grade teacher
5. What part of town do you live in? Litchfield Park
6. Married? Yes, 4 years in July
7. AZ Native? Nope...Hubby and I are from Grand Rapids, MI
2. Any kids? First one on the way
3. Pets?Sadie 8 year old beagle and Quincy 5 year old papillon who is the biggest priss
4. What do you do? ER nurse for one of the hospitals in downtown phoenix5. What part of town do you live in? central Phoenix ghetto, but hopefully will move in the future6. Married? Just hitched a few months ago7. AZ Native? I'm born and raised, husband is coming from Hawaii & California and keeps wondering where the beach is. ;-)
this is very coolio, I hope you have pics!
1. How old are you? 25
2. Any kids? nope, hopefully soon!
3. Pets? an almost 2 year-old shih tzu, Macy
4. What do you do? Registered Nurse
5. What part of town do you live in? Cave Creek
6. Married? yep, just over a year!
7. AZ Native? yep!
1. How old are you? 26
2. Any kids? not yet-maybe within the next 2 yrs
3. Pets? again, not yet-maybe w/in the next yr or so
4. What do you do? I'm a Registered Nurse
5. What part of town do you live in? not there yet, but hopefully will be living in Glendale to start out
6. Married? Just celebrated our 1 yr anniv June 6th
7. AZ Native? Nope, PA native
Awesome! We're right up the road from the mall, on 28th drive. I wish we weren't in a condo (we couldn't sell it right now if our lives depended on it, of course), but I really like the location and being right off the freeway.
1. How old are you? 36 - I FEEL OLD!
2. Any kids? 1- Christian, 22 months
3. Pets? Two dogs... Stella, Boston Terrier and Dakota, Boxer
4. What do you do? I work for a managed care organization managing a provider network. I have no idea what I'll do when I return but I'd love to stay in Public Mental Health.
5. What part of town do you live in? I live in Scranton, PA now but I have no idea where we'll live when we return. We'll see what we can afford and all that!
6. Married? Yes, 4 years in November
Which one?! DH works for a Technical school...
1. How old are you? 25
2. Any kids? Not yet, ideally would like to start TTC in about 2 years
3. Pets? Daphanie (Jack Russell) she just turned 9 in May and lives with my parents...
4. What do you do? Loan Processor on small business loans
5. What part of town do you live in? Surprise
6. Married? Net yet, but will be on October 23, 2010
7. AZ Native? No, I am originally from Gilroy, California.
1. How old are you? 26
2. Any kids? I have a fuzzy four legged son named Boo Monkey
3. Pets? None
4. What do you do? Right now I am a director at a summer camp in Central Wisconsin. During the year I am a wedding and portrait photographer. I used to be an educator at a not-for-profit animal center until I tried to wrestle a goat, lost, and now I don't have the use of my right arm.
5. What part of town do you live in? I'm pretty sure I will be living in Glendale when I get done with camp in August. But my friend who is male and special to me is looking for a better place for us so I don't know where we'll end up.
6. Married? Was for 2 year, but separated in February and filed for divorce in April.
7. AZ Native? Nope, I'm a Minnesotan!
2. Any kids? Not yet.
3. Pets? yes- dogs and 2 cats. We also have 2 puppys and a momma dog we are fostering.
4. What do you do? Project Manager - Implementation
5. What part of town do you live in? San Tan Valley
6. Married? Yes, a year in October
7. AZ Native? Yes
1. How old are you? 27
2. Any kids? Nope
3. Pets? Lugnut my 1 yr old Boxer, Deuce Coupe my 5 yr old Jack Russell, Cadillac Deville my 6 yr old Jack Russell mix, and my Maine *** cat Lamborghini who is 2 yrs old.
4. What do you do? Pet Groomer and Full Time Student majoring in Computer and Networking Technology
5. What part of town do you live in? Surprise
6. Married? Yes, for 8 whole months now!
7. AZ Native? Nope. Born and raised in Anaheim, CA
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