This is my first smartphone ever, so please bear with me. I've had it for only two weeks. I'm having intermittent battery life problems.
I charge it overnight every night, but sometimes the battery dies during the day. Once it was before noon, other times it's in the mid-afternoon. I was on vacation last week and at Disney all day with my nephews, so I didn't have an opportunity to sit down and troubleshoot. I would have called Verizon, but the issue seemed to resolve itself, or so I thought.
Last week when the low battery warning came on, I was able to view where the power was going. I saw that bluetooth was using some of it. Since I don't use bluetooth, I disabled it and that seems to have helped somewhat. Of course now I can't figure out how to access the screen that displays where the battery power is going.
The yesterday it died on me again; I don't know what else I can do.
I've been running the "I heart radio" app while driving. Is an app like that a power hog? I didn't think it was since I was using the car charger, but again, I'm a newbie at this.
Any tips on how to conserve battery power are welcome. Thanks
Re: Droid Incredible battery life?
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