So this was our adventure trying to get to the US Open yesterday:
5:15am - wake up and get ready to go to the US Open
7:05 - Amtrak trains leaves for NYC
9:35am - arrive in NYC, find a diner for breakfast
10:00am - call ticketmaster for Reba tickets (I've never missed a Reba tour) and get stuck in the damn automated system for 30 minutes. Then pay a $30 breakfast bill
11:00am - take the subway to Battery Park for a walk near the water
11:30am - realize that the camera doesn't have a memory card b/c I forgot to put it back after downloading photos. Karyn gets pissy (rightfully so).
12:30pm - find a Staples and buy a new memory card (expense not planned for). Wander NYC, stoping at the 9/11 memorial, Wall Street, etc. Then hop on the train to the US Open location.
2:30pm - arrive at the US Open to be told that b/c we have 7pm tickets the ealiest we can get in is 5pm. And that because the rain is coming the game will most likely be cancelled...but know one can tell us for sure...and everyone has a different answer...and it's total cluster f&*k. Storms start.
3:30pm - In Times Square, rain POURING down, Karyn's umbrella left on the subway. Me - big camoflauge rain slicker. Try to find a place to stay dry, but by now my pants have absorbed water all the way up to my knees. Stumble into a BBQ restaurant.
Have a much need drink and REALLY good BBQ.
5:00 pm - Brave the rain again and head to David and Busters for a few hours of video game playing. Spend too much money on stupid games but it's keeping us dry.
8:00pm - head to the train station to see if we can catch the 9:20 train instead of the 11:45pm train. Yes, we can change but we lose our AAA discount and have to pay $7.
9:20pm - Train leaves for home...but by 11:45pm the train is stopped because a huge tree has fallen on the tracks.
12:45pm - arrive back home, only 1.5 hours late.
Ugh - we learned to laugh at our adventure bu the entire day just kept throwing challenges our way. The damn women's final is rescheduled for 9pm tonight. We can't take amtrak again b/c of the schedule so we'll have to drive. We tried to get a refund for the tickets but they refuse to give refunds for the finals.
So in about 3 hrs we'll be heading back to NYC to finally see some tennis.
Re: Our Crazy NYC Trip
Oh my god, what a mess!! At least you managed to laugh at the end!
That BBQ place near Times Square - I think I've been there! I want to say the name start's with a V - like Vinny's or Vance's or something? We went when we visited with a family friend in NJ who used to live/work in NYC, it was always one of her favorite places.
Good luck with try #2!!
sahm ~ toddler breastfeeder ~ cloth diaperer ~ baby wearer