Holy cow. Last year, I didn't get one single zucchini or squash in our container garden. This year I decided to go gung-ho in the SFG, and planted several different types of squash. I am overrun- the neighbors don't even want any more. Other than freezing and making zucchini chips in the oven, or dehydrating, what ideas do you have? I am looking at about 30 squash- acorn, scallopini, crookneck, straightneck, and zucchini, with more needing picking soon. Any suggestions? I can't believe the plants are producing so many HUGE veggies! The more I pick, the more they grow....the plants are running out into the lawn- we gave up on mowing in that area.
Re: Need squash ideas!!
With the acorn or other more wintery squashes, I'd made soup & freeze it for winter.
For the more "summer" squash, there is also zucchini bread (which can also be frozen), fritters (shredding & mixing with a binder like an egg & pan fry), marinated & grilled squash (also good mixed into couscous or quinoa to make a "salad"), thinly sliced or long juliennes to substitute as noodles...
eta: you can also donate excess produce to a local food bank/homeless shelter. i'm sure they'd love it.