Overall, my gardening this year is going well, but since I'm brand spanking new at this, I have some issues.
1. My tomato plant. It is GINORMOUS. My husband named it Hugo. It's really healthy and has lots of tomatoes and flowers on it, but the thing is 5 feet tall and 5 feet wide. It has far outgrown it's tomato cage, and now is wider than the raised bet it is growing in, meaning rabbits (and my dog) can get to the outer branches since they're outside of the chicken wire. Can or should I trim these outer branches? Almost all of the fruit is in the middle, but I'm just not sure if that would harm the plant. Also, is this a normal size for a cherry tomato plant? Like I said, I'm brand new and have only really seen baby plants.
2. Japanese beetles. I hate them. I bought some spray to keep them away, but it is also toxic to bees and it says not to spray them on any flowering plants. They are all over my garden, cannas, roses, bushes, grape vines, strawberries, etc. and have already done a decent amount of damage. What can I use to keep them away that won't kill bees or hurt my flowering plants? Extra bonus points if it's safe for dogs. I'm about to wage war on them.
Edit: I just read the other post about japanese beetles, sorry! I guess I should just buy a bag/trap. How long do those take to work? Is there anything else I can do in the meantime?
Re: 2 questions