So I've been tasked with being a lead on our corporate community garden commitee, which is awesome!
Background: The project started a year ago wtih some people who wanted to to get together and start a garden, and corporate got wind and totally back it financially, which is awesome.Now, the guy in charge of our building plots (5 big plots) is also a main lead on the project and he just got a new position, so he asked if I would take over his spot...why certainly! It's great project management experience. So, I am leading ou building's team of about 6 people (quite a bit older than me and more experienced in gardening)
Now, I'm newer to gardening and I've put together a few projects before (fundraisers, helped with events, etc.) but this is a new area for me. I've never been a part of a community garden before and just looking for experiences with those that have done it.
What did you like? What didn't you like? What were some unique things you community garden did? If you could improve it, what would you do?
I'm just trying to get a feel for different gardeners out there, and looking for ways to improve/tips/suggestions for the future.