Hi ladies, I have kind of a random problem (hopefully not TMI) and I was hoping I could ask for your thoughts. For the past couple of months I've been trying to use up my non-eco-friendly antiperspirant so that I could move on to something else.
The thing is, when I went to apply some the other day, I noticed that the skin underneath one of my arms had developed a distinct yellow tinge. I know that the aluminum in traditional antiperspirants can stain your clothes yellow from reaction with sweat, but I never thought it could stain your skin too!
Obviously I stopped using my old antiperspirant right away, but it definitely freaked me out, for lack of a better term. I'm not experiencing any other reactions though (itching, peeling, etc).
Has this ever happened to anyone else? Should I be worried? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Re: Skin reaction from antiperspirant?
I definitely had this problem. Just a brown/yellow discoloration.
I switched to Adidas - they make one with aluminum and one without. I use the one with, and it doesn't react with my skin. I need something more than perfume, so this works for me.