I know everyone's baby is different, so I can't ask for what might be normal, but how often do/did your 2 month olds eat?
My pedi told me I need to get Blair off the 5-minute-long-snacking-every-hour/15 minute-catnapping schedule, and onto a more spaced out eating schedule with longer naps.
So she's good with the longer naps, and I can stretch out the time between feedings by playing with her (up to 3 hours if she's awake, 4 if she's been sleeping) but it's hard to get her to stay on for longer than 7 minutes.
I still feed her about 8 times a day, and she's gaining weight properly, but i sure don't think I'm on the kind of rough schedule my Dr. was suggesting.
Any advice? thanks!
Re: baby feeding schedule?
I think he nursed about every 3 hours for about 15-20 min on each side.
It just takes time to get on a schedule. ?Keep trying, once she gets the jist that if she wants food, she better get it while it's there everything will be great and you will be happy you did it.?
I don't think that at 2 months, you and Blair are on a set schedule yet. And once you "think" you have a pattern, it all just changes again. I remember feeling like feeding and sleeping patterns changed every week until Natalie was about 4 months old.
As a side note, I was also feeling very very exhausted at this stage and would find it best for me to nurse while lying down, just to rest too. And yes!, I remember nursing what felt like every hour, on the hour, and only for 10 minutes or so.
Be flexible. Don't stress. Blair is eating, is gaining weight, has dirty diapers, is sleeping well, and is thriving! Sounds perfect to me! Keep up the good work Mommy! You're doing great!