I very much appreciated that when I found my seat next to you yesterday, all 400 pounds of you had basically taken over my seat. including my armrest that you generously put up because you couldn't contain yourself in your own seat. how very kind of you. I also really appreciated that your knee was blocking my tray table so that I had to hold my cup of water instead of putting it on the tray. you are lucky I didn't say anything, people get kicked off of planes for this sort of thing. I'm talking to you, kevin smith.
oh, and when you have the option of "upgrading" to the emergency exit row for a measly extra $25? I suggest you take it, at least your knee won't be blocking your neighbor's tray table. or, better yet, buy two seats.
Re: dear seat neighbor on plane,
This drives me nuts. I even have a problem with people who are smaller and invade my space. I will "accidentally" elbow and kick people who move into my seat space.
I understand that it is a sensitive issue but if you can't fit into one seat and only paid for one that is not fair to other people who are affected.
the only reason why I didn't say anything was a) the flight was actually overbooked so there were no empty seats and b) it was a 50 min flight.
if it had been a few hours, I would have screamed bloody murder.
You are so much nicer than I am.
This guy HAD to know that he was encroaching on your space, no? I mean, there is heavy and then pouring-into-the-other-person's-seat-heavy. Was he apologetic or did he assume you would just deal? So farking rude!
oh, he totally knew, but didn't say one word. he slept for most of the flight so he didn't even notice when I couldn't put my tray down.
Ugh, Gross, so that means you sat in the middle! For me that is just too close for comfort. I need the elbow room, space to breath...
I can imagine that 50 minute flight felt like....well longer....
I would have slept too. I imagine he was uncomfy and embarrassed...
I bet you he was fake sleeping. hahaahahha