I'm not sure if anyone here grows garlic, but I thought I might give posting a shot.
This is my first year growing it so I'm sure I did something wrong and would like to correct that for next year.
First off, I'm confident I waited too long to pull it. For most of mine, all of the leaves are brown. I will use this garlic first & not store/cure.
However, even though it had maximium time in the the ground, the heads are still really small...some the size of a nickel...others maybe more like a quarter. This is both hardneck & softneck and the bulbs I planted from (in the fall) were all large, so it's not the variety. Oh, and for the hardneck I cut off all the scapes.
any thoughts? My guesses are:
-Very wet winter (tons of snow)
-Less sunlight in fall/spring
-Planted too late in the fall (I think it was like Nov or so when I got around to it)
-Dry spring
Any advice is appreciated!
Re: Why is my garlic small?