Hi everyone, i have been lurking on here and starting to be more green in my house. Now that it's nice i have been doing a lot of line drying (it slows the laundry process down, but it's MUCH nicer then heating up my house) and am planning on starting to replace my cleaners as they run out. The first thing i have tried was using baking soda and Apple Cider vinigar instead of shampoo and conditioner. It has worked GREAT. I washed my very dirty (spent all weekend gardening and riding my bike) hair on sunday night with about 4 parts water to 1 part BS then i rinsed with the AC vinegar (1 part vinegar to 7 parts water and a few drops of orange essential oil). My hair has been beautiful since. I even had to rinse it after my monday morning work out. I love it and I even got a compliment about my hair today (that NEVER happens).
I just wanted to share my success and say thank you all for the inspiration. Dishwasher detergent is my next mission.
Re: Lurker - baking soda wash w/ vinigar rinse = GREAT hair
I had the same problem! I was so disappointed! If you end up wanting to look for any other of the "greener" shampoo options, I wrote about the ones I have tried here. There are pretty good varieties available, but I so wanted the baking soda/ACV to work!! Maybe some day I'll try again...
For me it was hard to get the proportions just right for my hair between baking soda and water. (I either had greasy or straw hair in until I did) Once I did I love it.
I also love using beauty products that are safe enough to eat.