Any funny stories, pictures, articles, anything?
My husband left today for a month long training that he has to do as part of becoming an Army officer, it is kind of like the equivalent to boot camp for enlisted except for they don't get yelled at and all the other horrible stuff enlisted have to go through, it is just more leadership training. It sucks bad enough that he will be gone for a month, but the worst part is that I can not talk to him for the entire month! He was able to call me when he plane landed but that is it until he gets to the airport on the 29th to fly home! I know it could be so much worse, but I am just sad that I can't even call to say hello for 2 seconds! And to top it off I had to wake up at 4am to take him to the airport, so I am cranky on top of being sad! I need a cocktail. . .
Re: Having a sad day, anyone want to cheer me up?
Awww, I'm sorry! I'd be really sad, too. Especially not being able to even TALK to him.
Sorry, I'm not helping to cheer you up... ummm... *does a jig*
Sorry that you can't talk to your H for the whole time he is gone...I can't even imagine! ((HUGS))
sorry. i send hugs and a yummy cocktail. yumm.
do you like lady gaga??
how do you wake up lady gaga?!?!?
you poke her face!
hahahaha. i hope you laughed and at least where like wtf dianna. lolz.
I am sorry you are feeling blue, That would so suck, I get blue after a day
{{{hugs}}} ::::shaking a lemon drop martini and pouring in to glass::::
OMG, Lol.
I'm sorry he'll be gone for a month. But as they say time apart makes the heart stronger, or something like that.
Click Me
Hehehehehe. Oh Meg.
ETA: I lurk on ML when I need a good laugh.
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
I LOVE funny animal things, thank you!!! I especially like that last one :-)
I LOVE funny animal things, thank you!!!
If that's the case....enjoy the ones I just took of my cat this week And I am sorry about not being able to talk to the hubby! I moved to AZ 4.5 months before DH could (he was finishing his MBA), but I was at least able to talk to him...I am sorry!
Brody left his magazine out...
SHUT it dog!
Awww, I'm sorry you don't even get to talk to him!!!
I wish you were here so we could have a GTG! Maybe you should make a trip! hehe
bwahahaha I love the SHUT IT DOG!
Yeah, I can write letters, but it is less than 4 weeks long, so chances are by the time they even got there, got sorted and got to him it would be almost time to come home. The reason why they can't talk and people at bootcamp can is because of where they are. Most of the month he will be out in the middle of no where with no cell service :-(
4.5 half months sucks! We did long distance for about 8 months, he moved to Vegas for his masters and I stayed in Phoenix because of my job.
Thanks for the pictures, those are SO CUTE! Animals are so funny!
Wow....That is rough.....
Maybe take small weekend getaways with friends to make the month go by faster?
Time does fly when your having fun.,...
<a href="
I have a few fun weekends planned! My mom is coming this weekend, I am going to a friend's wedding next weekend and I am going to a comedy show with another friend in a few weekends! I hope it goes fast!