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Does it tick anyone else off?
When you hear advertisements on the radio for "if you have $10,000+ of credit card debt you cann get a bailout to have it cut in half"
I mean really, what about us that pay our bills on time and don't wrack up a ton of debt?
Yes, I know there are some instances where people get in rough times (sickness etc) but, I do not think most of these people are in that boat.
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Re: Does it tick anyone else off?
May 22,2010
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This.... all it is is a debt consolidation ad most of the time
<a href="
YES!!! It pisses me off to no end!!
I pay all my bills and my interest rate goes up because of those that don't. UUUUUUUUUUGH!!!
I closed two credit cards because of this! for years it was like 7.65% or something like that then it went up to 22.9% and whe i called to ask why they said.... because of the economy! WTF but i am never late, i pay early and i pay more then the min. payment! so i told the lady to close my cards and when she asked what would make me stay I said put y rate back to where it was and she replied oh well i can't do that so i will just close your cards!
They can make it sound as great as they want- but it's not that great.
And, honestly, just because a person has to file for BK or has high credit card debt, we don't know everyone's situations. Not everyone had the same parents.
In the end, regardless of how it's paid for, it's all paid in the end regardless of what option a person has to take, none of it is "free and clear".
I am not trying to be rude or snarky but can you clarify this, I am not understanding what it is you are trying to say here
Thank you
You really shouldn't judge people for getting into financial trouble. It happens to the best of us. People with graduate degrees and 6 figure incomes can be blindsided with medical bills just as easily as people who make minimum wage. Bad things happen to people all the time, and more often than not the bad things end up being very expensive.
Sure none taken. What I mean is, millions of people every day make bad choices. Not everyone had good role models to show them how to make smart choices with money/credit/saving etc. This is something we learn either from our parents, in school, or on our own.
I'm not saying that it's right or wrong, but I am saying that just because someone has filed bankruptcy, had $10K plus in credit card debt, or whatever else, doesn't make them lazy and any less hard working then anyone else. We simply don't know their situations, and while radio adds say, "walk away" trust me, you don't get to just walk away from anything. They are choices that follow you beyond your credit report and effect many elements in life.
And this!!
It can happen so easily and so fast. I had a m/c in May and had a D&E. I happily presented my insurance card at the hospital. Yesterday I got a bill for $12K. Ummmmm.... WHAT??? Luckily it's a HUGE error but thank goodness I have insurance or I'd be screwed. Medical bills are one of the top reasons people get into financial trouble. It's one of the reasons health care reform is so important!
I think what people find so frustrating with this is not those who have extreme situations... but those who were living the high life when the economy was booming and they were taking out home equity loan out to by quads, and boats and all those "needs" that they didn't really need and now that the economy is gone to crap they want out of the massive amounts of debt they created for themselves... and they would do anything to do that.
For example, this lady i know took an equity line out on her house and bought stainless steal appliances(even though her existing stuff was prefectly fine) she bought a boat she bought atv's she bought just about everything she could and then the economy went bad and she told people you can come take these appliances as long as you bring your old stuff cause we are walking away from our house since it ain't worth Sh*t anymore! IMO these are the "type" of people that make the people who have insane student loans or medical bills or lost their jobs look bad when they are doing everything they can to stay afloat.
m/c 12/25/09 (5w5d) mm/c D&C 4/9/10 (11w1d) Take home baby 2/22/11
My boobies belong to cour10e
Um.. no offense, but this is the society we live in. We did this to ourselves. When the market was booming, we didnt invest in green energy or alternative fuels, we bought cars that got 9 MPG.
I agree, the system is backwards... however, it's backwards for a lot of reasons. The bank not working with people until they are 90 days +, isn't because of the people not paying their mortgages, its because of 20+ yr old bank policies... and they've "never" done it that way.
All I'm saying is, that before you place a label and judgement, you should really evaluate the situation. Life happens to everyone at some point. I married a real winner of a dude for my first husband, and when I left him... he lived the high life, and I had to deal with that debt and an 80/20 interest only home loan on a house bought in 2005. I had no huge extenuating life altering circumstance, but thank GOD there were options available to me. Even 5 years later, these are still things I'm "paying" for. I just think before we're quick to judge, we have to evaluate many different things and people before labeling them or placing blame on them for our misfortunes/situations that are based on situations above and beyond those individuals.
And sometimes they will tell you "oh we can't help you until you are three month deliquent" so i have known a few people that think ok well if i wnat to get what i want then i will go deliquent ten they will help me. then three months later they are told "oh sorry we can't do anything for you because you are 3 onths deliquent" It makes no sense to me...
This would be part of the reason why my parents bought that house we live in and we pay them rent. We were not in a spot financially to buy at the time and they didn't want us to rent another house and come home one day to a 24 hr to vacat notice or worse a padlock on the door with all our belongings inside because the landlord went bellyup for whatever reason and neglected to tell the tenants =(
A friend of mine moved into a house lived there a year and found out the owner was going to short sale it. She and her hubs move, but the owner doesn't want to return the security deposit because he is broke. She packs up and moves to another house, a week later she gets a knock on the door and the house is going to be auctioned off 2 weeks later.
I am renting my house right now and it would be a nightmare if something like this happened to me and the hubs. We just signed a new lease for a year and am going to buy a house once the lease is up here.
I just cannot believe how many people this happens to..
<a href="
I think that this is such a touchy subject because there are so many variances.
Yes, I think that there are way too many people in the US that totally take advantage of programs/assistance and that hard working middle class people get the short end of the stick all the time.
In college, I worked 3 jobs and received no help because I made too much. Yet if I was a single mom I would have gotten a free home, tuiton, food stamps, heath care, etc. Thanks for rewarding us for making good choices
Now, we worked our buts off to have what we have but because we are single and make a serious income we get hosed on taxes (luckily I am very good accountant so we get away with a lot). Once again thank you Uncle Sam . . .I cant wait to leave this country. . .
My sister has friend this has happened to twice in the last 6 months! They were in a house for about a year through a property management company and the owner wasn't paying the mortgage so they got kicked out and the property management didn't want to give their deposit back because they weren't sure they could get it from the owner.
So then they find another place to live and get all moved in and two weeks later they are told the bank is planning on taking over the house the following week!
I agree ths is so scary! I would freak out if this were to happen to me, but the truth is that this is happeneing all over the country and in some cases worse. People will come home with padlocks on the door and can't get their stuff out. no one cares that they are renters and were taken advantage of.
ps in my original post I did include medical other extenuating circumstances on things I wasn't judging.
I think most people missed that.
I didn't miss that.
Medical or other 'life' circumstances can make it look like you are being irresponsible. We had to short sale a house because of our 5-figure medical expenses, when just 2 years prior we gutted the house and put all new flooring, paint and appliances in it. If you didn't know our circumstance, it would be very easy to judge us because from outward appearances, it really does look like we were being irresponsible. But we were not. Life happened to us.
So you would be in what I said was not irresponsible. I know you can't control that. Which is why I put that and others as extenuating circumstances.
I highly doubt that MOST people with 10K of CC debt are for those reasons.