Hi ladies! So, I'm down to my last month of maternity leave. I go back to work on Oct. 6th. I'm still strictly breastfeeding and I have a few questions that I hope you can help me out with.
1) How often did you pump at work?
2) Did your pumped milk have to go directly into a freezer or did you just store it in a refrigerator & then bring it home in a cooler pack? (How do I do this? I want to make sure I'm doing this properly and not bringing home bad milk.)
3) Were you able to keep up with your child's demand? (I'm worried I won't be able to pump enough for him to drink daily. I've got a supply already going and I'm trying to pump at least once a day until the 6th.)
4) How many times did you breastfeed? (I'm thinking once before work and then maybe twice at night.)
5) Any tips? Successes? Failures? Comments?
I really hope to breastfeed as long as possible. Collin is doing so well with it whereas Camille only lasted 3 months (and that was 3 months breastfeeding with supplemental formula). I'm so worried that being back to work full time will mess up my chances of keeping an ample milk supply.
Thanks in advance!
Re: Poll for Working Moms who Breastfeed
1. I pumped 2-3 times a day at work. 11-2-4
2. I brought the medela cooler filled with the freezer pack each day. I then input all of my stored breastmilk in the cooler and put it into the fridge here at work. Worked beautifully.
3. Yes. I fed Ella in the a.m, pumped at work, and then breastfed her at night and sometimes pumped again when she was asleep. I was able to get at least 6-8+ ounces each time I pumped, which worked to replenish the next day's stock at daycare. I made it clear to daycare that I wanted no breastmilk to go to waste! They definitely did that:)
4. In the a.m. and then 1-2 times at night. She usually crashed with the first feed, she'd wake up about 2-3 hours later and feed again.
5. Just take it one day at time. Find out what works for you & Collin. I find that any added pressures only makes things more frantic and when I get stressed, I easily give up. Also, I made it my H's job to thoroughly clean the breast pump at night:) Heck, I gave up my lunches to pump...it's the least he could do.
I hope it all works out for you! (I'm sure it will!)
1. I used to pump 3 times a day at work. I worked 12 hour shifts (6:30 AM to 7 PM). My pumping times would be 8:30 AM, 11:30, and then 3 PM.
2. I did exactly what Lisa did.
3. On the most part, I was able to keep up with the demand. It was difficult and there were times when my supply decreased. But, I ate my oatmeal. On my days off, I exclusively bf Jake (no bottles) and I pumped at least once a day. I consider myself successful because I was able to continue bf'ing for a year without needing any formula supplementation.
4. I would bf once before work and twice after work.
5. Check out the website: www.workandpump.com. Also, Brandy had suggested a book, "The Milk Memos: How Real Moms Learned To Mix Business with Babies -- And How You Can, Too." It was really helpful when I went back to work.
I can seriously ditto everything Lisa said.
You can totally do it and you really need to stick to a routine otherwise you will see a decrease in your milk. Also, I rigged up the shields where my bra would hook around them and into the latch to make them hands free. I could then still work on my computer, talk on the phone, etc.
Best of luck.
... lots of great advise...
... just sending you my love!
1. I would feed DD before I dropped her off, pump at 9am, 12pm, 3pm, then fed DD normally at night.
2. I pumped and stored it in a refrigerator I had at work under my desk. When I would pick up DD, I would leave the supply with daycare so I never had to worry about transporting it home and worry about it getting hot.
3. I wasn't able to keep up with demand. I pumped while on leave to have plenty stored when I went back to work and I still ran out. At around 5 months we had to start doing half formula half BM bottles. She was still getting some bm so I was happy.
4. again, once before dropping off, and usually twice in the evenings.
5. Tips: make sure you have a very comfy place to pump. I used to stand the entire time in a bathroom stall and it drove me crazy. Sometimes I would even go out and sit in my car with the a/c just so I could have a seat. I finally weened her off at 11 months because I could stand pumping anymore.