So I used to take Macy to a local groomer, but they were kinda spacey and lately never answer their phone when I try to make an appt. I tried making an appt at this other place where our neighbor takes their dog, but their earliest appt was like a month away and she was really shaggy and dirty. So I found one of those mobile groomers to come to the house today. Well, Macy does not do well with strangers coming to our house. She tries to attack them and barks and growls. I was trying to calm her down and saying "its ok" but she kept trying to jump at the guy and bite him! I was SO embarrassed! I had to carry her out to the van because she wouldn't let him touch her. Once she was there she was fine but OMG.
This just proved to me that I have to get a behaviorist or someone to help us with her. She can't just attack everyone who steps foot into our house! I mean, yes she is only 11 lbs but still, its not cool. Its only when new people first come in, then she calms down. And if we are at my parents house and strangers come over, it doesn't bother her, so I know she just thinks she has to defend her territory here. She has other minor behavior issues and this is something I want to have completely fixed before we have kids.
Now to just convince DH that it'll be worth the money... Anyone know of any good dog trainers??
Re: OH goodness.
haha This makes me laugh because my dog is the same way. He barks for sooo long when new people come in the house and acts like he wants to rip their head off. lol He doesn't do anything but bark like a mad man and run up to them like he's going to bite them but doesn't.
It must be a small dog syndrome. lol
Sorry that I don't have any rec's for you.
I do not have any personal recommendations, but the no-kill shelter I used to volunteer at (before I had LO), has a behavior phone line you can contact, and they may be able to point you to someone who can help or give you recommendations. The organization is super nice, and the staff is great there!
<a href="
lol I seriously think that is it!