I have tried Nature's Miracle and it did nothing for the smell at all. We ended up just replacing the carpet in our bedrooms after we found out that one of our dogs had a severe bladder infection, which largely contributed to him urinating in the house.
I recently found (by smelling - you can't see them because our carpet is dark) a couple of new spots that I think happened when DH accidentally locked the dog door for an entire day. I really don't want to try Nature's Miracle again because it never worked before.
I just found Planet Urine's website and am curious about their powder product... I've read some good reviews online, but then again, I read good things about Nature's Miracle, too, so I'm hoping someone here can tell me whether this product works or not
Re: Planet Urine products?
I have never heard of them, but it looks interesting. We used a similar product (similar in that it absorbed the stains/odors and dried, then you vacuumed it off), and it was somewhat effective. The Planet Urine stuff has more steps...maybe it works. It could be worth trying at least the small size.
I use this , and have had really good results with it. It got rid of some very old pet stains that we had on our stairs. It is industrial strength. NM is basically the same stuff, but really, really dilute.
It can take multiple applications of enzymatic cleaners, but contrary to what Planet Urine's website says, they can get rid of the odors. The enzymes consume the bacteria that causes the odors, so it makes sense that it could take time to work through something that has been there for awhile. A black light will help you find any spots.
Thanks for the rec. I will look into that. I still have a huge bottle of NM left... I paid a lot for it and had high hopes that it would help remove stains and odors, but it didn't work after multiple applications. DH told me to just try it again, but I don't want to try it and have it not work again, and then have whatever product I use afterwards not work as well (due to having already used NM on that spot).
I have tried bottle after bottle after bottle of cleaning agents from Wal-Mart to the Internet. Yet no matter how much money I pored onto my carpet it still smelled of urine and feces. I tried PlanetUrine out because... well I was trying everything! Nothing seemed to make the odor better. If you've tried every liquid cleaner under the sun, like me why not see if their product could work any better. There cheapest kit ran me $20. Not bad considering I have already invested over $200 in store bought liquid products.
I could still see stains after I used it, although it did worked better than any of the other products I had tried. I called them up to get my money back and they told me it could take a couple applications. Great I thought. They just want me to use up the product so I can't return it. I tried the 4 step process again. After 3 applications I could barley see the stain. In the end it took 4 applications but this stuff gave me back my carpet, Finally! I recommend checking out there website before you buy. They are very informative on how there products works, what it works on, and how to use it.
B/w 1/8: betas 17,345, progesterone 25.6
B/w 1/8: betas 17,345, progesterone 25.6