At the side of our house there is a little bed that is approximately 2 feet in width, but very long. Currently there is nothing in there, but some bulbs, which I plan to replant in a different location. I want something that we can plant in this bed that will fill in the area without getting so big that it hangs over onto the driveway. We had to take out several rose bushes, because it would cut our hands when we tried to shut the car doors and they fell over onto the driveway, so you were driving over thorns. The former owners did not make a very wise choice for the side bed.
We could do something that would grow up trellises I suppose, but we really just want to make this area pretty. And I am in Northern Kentucky. Any suggestions?
Re: Need a plant recommendation
What about jasmine, or gardenia? What about a crepe myrtle or any of these nice plants?
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." ~ Miss K ~
Elijah Matthew - 5/3/07 ~ Adalyn Rosemary - 3/23/11
*Photos by Kacy Cierley*