I read a post (on the 2nd page now) about Tea Tree Oil for Acne, and decided to give it a try.
I bought 20% TTO and Coconut Oil for moisturizing. I've used the combo for about a week, and while my skin is super soft, and I haven't had any new break outs, the ones that I had when I started the treatment are really, really slow to go away.
Should I try a higher concentration of TTO for spot treatment, just wait it out, or maybe try a combo of something other acne medication with the TTO?
Incase anyone else was considering trying it, I do suggest trying it. I was really happy with the fact that I could get so much product for such little money. I think that the TTO and Coconut Oil combo will last at least two or three times as long as a regular face wash/astringent, and cost about the same, if not a little less.
Re: Tea Tree Oil for acne question
Mine too. I diluted it initially, but it wasn't very effective as a spot treatment for me. Now I use it straight but, like commercial spot treatments, I can only use it for one night at a time or it dries out the skin around the blemish and it gets all flaky (redness I can cover with makeup, but not that flaky dry skin!).
I also use a little bit of TTO in my OCM mix.
Interesting, I stood in the aisle forever going back and forth about the 20% or the 100%, and I bought the 20% so I wouldn't have to bother with diluting it.
I'll probably just zap these remaining blemishes with an OTC spot treatment, and then hopefully the TTO will work well to maintain clear skin once their gone.