okay I have this 5ft by 4ft patch of nothing right up against the front of my house by my front door. When we moved in there was one plant there that was blown out in a wind storm. Now, almost 2 years later, I decided a couple months ago to tackle this patch of land to make it pretty. It was completely smothered in every kind of weed known to man, I dug it aaalll up stirred it up and had a nice bed of dirt....and then I had no time to do anything else. About a week later ALL of the weeds were back. I dug them up and they all grew back, it is insane they are out of control! I even put weed killer in the ground after pulling the weeds. Not only was I pulling up the roots but I was DIGGING with a shovel to make sure I got under them all but they just keep coming back!
So a while back I bought that black tarpish cloth stuff to lie down over the dirt (I don't know what it's called but you cut a hole out for the plants). I haven't put it down yet because I think I need to handle this weed problem first.
Any suggestions on how to tame these weeds so I can lay that cloth stuff and plant some bushes and flowers. The front of my house is an overgrown WEED garden! It's hiddeous and I know nothing about all this stuff. Someone had suggested pouring gasoline all over it and just waiting a whole year before trying to plant anything. Help!
Re: How to tackle weed garden..
Those sound like great ideas.
Not to thread jack, but does anyone have any tips for a vegetable garden. It doesn't seem like that black stuff would work. I've had the same problem. I've weeded, and weeded, and weeded and everything just keeps growing back. My vegetables have become overrun by weeds.
Do you have an in-ground veggie garden? Most of the ladies here use raised bed gardens because there isn't the same weeding problem as with in-ground gardens.
I do both raised beds and in ground planting. For the seed plants that are in ground, I just pick weeds like crazy. For those that we plant as plants, we put down the cloth, cut a hole and plant the plant. it does help. I wasnt as good about it this year since we did so much seed planting, but its a good idea if you are concerned about weeds.
If you are going to tackle it now, either dig out the weeds or kill them and then put something on top right away. I wouldn't want to look at the landscape cloth so I would mulch right away also. This will also add to weed prevention from underneath the cloth. Plant in the fall. You just pull the mulch away from the small area where the plant will be inserted and you will have to cut the landscape cloth to insert the plant into the ground.
It's rare for mulch to attract termites. NB has posted in the past some research on the subject so perhaps she'll chime in.
If you are *really* concerned with termites, just make sure the mulch is like 6" away from your foundation.
Mulch doesn't attract termites. They can't colonize wood pulp or shredded wood products; they tunnel and it's impossible to tunnel in wood chips. They can LIVE in mulch of any type, even stones or rubber mulch, but it is merely until they can tunnel into the actual wood of your house. So just forget about mulch as a termite variable. As Kastle said, keep stuff away from the foundation; ALL stuff mentioned in this thread, which could serve to provide termite passage (including landscape fabric).
As for weed control- I spend WAY too much time digging, sawing, pounding and chopping. Right now I am suffering nerve damage in both hands and severe "tennis" elbow because of it. It is far easier and faster to spray glyphosate, so that's what I do. The weeds die, the soil isn't poisoned, and I'm not reinjured. Will the weeds return? Always. Will glyphosate kill them again? Always. I would keep spraying new weed growth for the next few weeks. If you keep spraying, you'll eventually have fewer seeds germinating. THEN plant. Remember, weed seeds blow in from surrounding areas, so look beyound your little square.