It's such a sad day for everyone today... I think it's important we all take time to remember that day...on the blogs they asked the question: "where were you when you heard about it/ saw it?" They compaired it to the Kennedy assassination and how we will never forget where we were and what we were doing when we found out.. so where were you? what were you doing? I'll start...
I was in my academy of finance class, 11 th grade
W e were re-planning our trip to the World trade Center after first planned trip (set to take off in plane September 10 and visit the WTC september 11) had failed due to a few of us losing our seats on the plain (my teacher said if we all couldn't go on the same plain- none of us would!)... We were re-arranging dates when my teacher got called out and when she came back in she said "I was just told a plain his the trade center." I though she said TRAIN center and was confused at how this was affecting our trip- she turned on the news and we saw the second plain hit.
We were just all shocked. My b/f at the time lived in NYC and my teacher allowed me to leave and get my cell and call him to make sure he was ok. I couldn't get him for hours (jammed lines) but around 1 he finally got me and he was ok but was watching it all live in the street... it was the most emotional day.... I just wanted him to be with me so bad...I wanted to be home with my parents and brother and sister....
Re: 9/11
I was in US history my freshman year of college and had no idea anything had happened. It was my bf's bday so i was in a great mood and walked over to the student union to check my mail. I saw all these people huddled around the tv and could see something on the screen but didn't think anything of it. On my way to the next class i heard someone talking about it. My prof. came in and told us what had happened and told us this was a day we would never forgot and told us to go home and check on all our loved ones. My roomate and I stayed in front of our tv and called everyone we knew.
It was so scary...
I don't retell this often, because I woke up to the news next to my ex boyfriend who was visiting me at college haha. My friend Kathy sent me an IM that woke me up (because my computer speakers were on.) We immediately turned on the tv and watched and saw wthe second plane hit. I remember saying over and over "they're going to collapse, they're going to collapse... they can't withstand that." After the towers collapsed I felt so guilty, like I'd jinxed it or something... obviously though I was just stating the obvious but it was horrible to actually see them fall when that was all I could think about after I saw the planes hit. We just sat there all day in shock, holding one another.
What a horrible day.
I was at work-I worked for the Stock Market (thankfully not in NYC), and I was just doing my usual morning work. All the tv's were tuned into CNBC, like they always were and I walked into the trading room and saw the first plane hit. I was like "WTF?" I just thought (like alot of people did) that a small plane had just hit it. So I go about my morning and then the next plane. Then we saw the towers collapse. It was unbeleivable to see these tall strong buildings just go down like a house of cards. I still am shocked when I see footage. Since the market never opened that day, we all went home and didn't return to work til the following MOnday when the mkt reopened. Where I lived on Long Island, they closed some major pkwys and I remember driving on an over pass in the middle of the day on Sept 12th and seeing not a soul on the rd. It was creepy. I have a collector's book and a few historical DVDs on the subject so I can explain it to my child(ren), cause I am SURE they will learn about it in school.
My uncle was in one of the towers and he was on his way out when the 1st plane hit. The firefighters told everyone to go back to their offices, everything is fine. Thank goodness my uncle doesn't listen to authority. He was like "Screw that, I'm outta here!". Can you imagine? He wouldn't be here if he listened to those guys.