Since its slooooww here today, I made up this random GTKY
1. Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse?
2. Lake or ocean?
3. Fave alcoholic beverage?
4. How would you describe your clothing style?
5. Silver or gold?
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out?
7. Tea or coffee?
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change?
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon?
10. Do you like to talk on the phone?
1. Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse? House
2. Lake or ocean? Ocean (Southern CA native, born and raised!)
3. Fave alcoholic beverage? Pinot Noir and Hefeweisen
4. How would you describe your clothing style? Jeans, tanks and flip flops.
5. Silver or gold? Platinum! (or silver)
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out? Keep them
7. Tea or coffee? Ice Tea, but have started drinking ice coffee in the mornings since Blake was born...
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change? Critiques me while I cook or bake...
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon? Rome
10. Do you like to talk on the phone? No...I prefer to text
1. Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse? house
2. Lake or ocean? lake if I'm going to swim, ocean to lay by
3. Fave alcoholic beverage? margaritas or champagne
4. How would you describe your clothing style? simple with a little bit of trendy thrown in
5. Silver or gold? silver
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out? I usually keep them for a few weeks and then throw them which point I feel a little guilty. I hate that cards are so expensive when I just throw them away, but I also don't see the point in saving them forever!
7. Tea or coffee? coffee, I only like tea if it is iced and sweet
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change? He leaves stuff lying all over the place and I feel like I'm constantly picking up after him. He also never makes the bed or puts dishes away after he uses them, I'm a neat freak so these things annoy me to no end!
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon? Jamaica...I want to go back sooo bad!
10. Do you like to talk on the phone? not really, the only person I ever really have conversations with on the phone is my mom. I prefer text or email
2. Lake or ocean? Ocean
3. Fave alcoholic beverage? Pineapple Sky with Sprite.MMMMMM
4. How would you describe your clothing style? No idea. haha
5. Silver or gold? white gold
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out? depends who it's from. DH, yes, I keep them..and sometimes from my Mom.
7. Tea or coffee? neither
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change? how loud he chews lol and that he would turn the lights off after leaving a room.
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon? Riviera Maya, Mexico and I really want to go back!!
10. Do you like to talk on the phone? not really. lol
1. Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse? House
2. Lake or ocean? Ocean
3. Fave alcoholic beverage? Lemon Drop
4. How would you describe your clothing style? Casual... jeans and a tee please
5. Silver or gold? gold, but only it is white gold.
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out? i keep them for about a year then i go through them and only keeo the sentimental ones... cluter makes me antsy...
7. Tea or coffee? coffee
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change? he chea and drinks so loud and it drives me banana sandwich... like his mouth is;t open but he just get so excited about food and beverage that he like inhales it sometimes hahahaha
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon? We are going to Disneyland and will make small day trip to san diego.
10. Do you like to talk on the phone? if i have a lot to say i think it is sometimes easier then texting/emailing
1. Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse? Technically, it's a condo. But, we're not attached to anyone. So, it's more like a townhouse. Meh, it's a house to me.
2. Lake or ocean? Ocean
3. Fave alcoholic beverage? I don't drink
4. How would you describe your clothing style? I'm like a teenager I still shop at AE
5. Silver or gold? white gold
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out? Yes!
7. Tea or coffee? Neither
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change? Nah
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon? Disneyland
10. Do you like to talk on the phone? Only with DH. I hate talking on the phone, I would rather text!
m/c 12/25/09 (5w5d) mm/c D&C 4/9/10 (11w1d) Take home baby 2/22/11
My boobies belong to cour10e
2. Lake or ocean? Ocean
3. Fave alcoholic beverage? Sex on the beach
4. How would you describe your clothing style? Hmmm...comfy? I wear a lot of AE and Hollister.
5. Silver or gold? White gold
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out? No, I hate clutter
7. Tea or coffee? Coffee
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change? Um he is very forgetful and indecisive, both are very annoying. Oh yes, and he is a total slob, I always have to pick up after him.
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon? Mazatlan, MX
10. Do you like to talk on the phone? Sure do
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
oooh that sounds delicious!! I'm going to have to try that one sometime!!
1. Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse? A house
2. Lake or ocean? Ocean
3. Fave alcoholic beverage? Wine makes me all warm and fuzzy which I love!! I'm equal opportunity though and can drink most anything!
4. How would you describe your clothing style? casual
5. Silver or gold? I'm not picky, I like jewelery!!
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out? I do!
7. Tea or coffee? Both. I LOVE LOVE LOVE iced tea.
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change? Of course... can I think of one now? No!
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon? We took a short trip to Charleston, SC right after we got married and then a longer trip to Aruba ten months later.
10. Do you like to talk on the phone? I don't mind. I live so far away from my family that I talk to them a lot on the phone.
We just discovered this. It's DELICIOUS!!! Well, you couuuuuld try it tonight. hehe
Don't knock AE! That is my fave store woman!!! Best.jeans.evaaaaaaa.
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
1. Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse? -Apartment
2. Lake or ocean? Lake, not a fan of the ocean
3. Fave alcoholic beverage? When I used to drink it was a Pink Cadillac margarita
4. How would you describe your clothing style? Don't really have one, pants and a shirts
5. Silver or gold? -Silver or white gold
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out? -Depends on who it is from, but I usually throw them out when I spring clean
7. Tea or coffee? Tea, I hate coffee
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change? That he doesn't take his socks off right, I always have to unfold them when I wash
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon? didn't really take a honeymoon but I guess you can say it was London.
10. Do you like to talk on the phone? Sometimes, depends on with who
Click Me
1. Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse? House!
2. Lake or ocean? Ocean (I miss living in FL)
3. Fave alcoholic beverage? Malibu Bay Breeze, YUM!
4. How would you describe your clothing style? I dunno, I loooove wearing skirts/dresses, but the particular style varies depending on my mood!
5. Silver or gold? White Gold or Silver
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out? Only if they're from the hubby
7. Tea or coffee? Water!! (Tea if I have to choose!)
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change? He doesn't LISTEN.... stupid selective hearing. But then he'll remember some random tiny fact about me from 2 years ago (so sweet!), but can't seem to remember when I told him or asked him an hour ago. Go figure!!!
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon? We're going to PR in Nov. I refuse to go there right now cuz of hurricanes. (We just had our wedding in June)
10. Do you like to talk on the phone? Only to my husband. Other than that, I'm a text fiend!
1. Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse? 3 bed 2.5 bath townhouse
2. Lake or ocean? neither we like the desert lol
3. Fave alcoholic beverage? i rarely drink sooo idk
4. How would you describe your clothing style? mixed. i always seem to wear heels
5. Silver or gold? silver
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out? only keep the important ones
7. Tea or coffee? tea
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change? i love him the way he is!
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon? we went to vegas and enjoed the spas and watched some shows
10. Do you like to talk on the phone? love to talk text email!
1. Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse? Technically it's a condo, but I consider it a town house
2. Lake or ocean? Ocean
3. Fave alcoholic beverage? A Nice Amber Beer
4. How would you describe your clothing style? Laid Back/Sporty
5. Silver or gold? Silver
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out? Toss most of em, keep the special ones
7. Tea or coffee? Coffee!
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change? He always turns left (the shorter route) even though it is faster to go right and go a bit out of the way, he also drives under the speed limit most of the time- but these are trivial I know
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon? Taos, NM
10. Do you like to talk on the phone? not especially, but I do
1. Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse? House
2. Lake or ocean? I think lake. I love the ocean, but I always get a little creeped out that a shark is going to get me. And dried salt water skin doesn't feel so great.
3. Fave alcoholic beverage? Right now, Jack Daniels and Coke. But I like specialty martinis on special occasions
4. How would you describe your clothing style? Er ... not well-developed. I wear a lot of basics with only a little jewelry thrown in now and again.
5. Silver or gold? white gold
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out? No, not unless it's something really important or memorable. Although I do keep most of the cute little cards MH gets me.
7. Tea or coffee? Neither really. But when I do drink coffee it's not black, it's a mocha or something like that.
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change? Sure! He's really anal about making the bed in the morning (I don't have a problem with him wanting to make it, it's just that he practically brings a protractor out to make sure there are perfect edges and corners and lengths, hah!) I can think of a lot more annoying habits I have.
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon? We went to Kauai, Hawaii
10. Do you like to talk on the phone? Not usually. I'd rather talk in person. And I prefer email at work.
The Life of the E Family
1. Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse? House
2. Lake or ocean? Ocean...preferably Atlantic
3. Fave alcoholic beverage? Jamaican Smile...mmmmm
4. How would you describe your clothing style? Casual and classic...jeans and tshirts are usual my go to look.
5. Silver or gold? Silver or white gold
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out? I'll keep cards from DH. Other ones I'll toss after a month or so.
7. Tea or coffee? Tea
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change? Biting his nails and never replacing the toilet paper roll.
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon? Sandals Grande Ocho Rios, Jamaica. AMAZING!
10. Do you like to talk on the phone? Nope...I like to email.
1. Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse? house
2. Lake or ocean? ocean
3. Fave alcoholic beverage? long island ice tea
4. How would you describe your clothing style? boring. tshirt, jeans and flip flops
5. Silver or gold? silver. ew gold
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out? not really. i used to but it's just so much clutter. now i just keep ones from dominic and dh
7. Tea or coffee? neither, yuck
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change? yes, very much so
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon? nassau, bahamas
10. Do you like to talk on the phone? it depends who, but not really no
1. Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse? House
2. Lake or ocean? Eh, I don't have a preference. I guess I like looking at the ocean more, but I am not one for just laying on the beach.
3. Fave alcoholic beverage? Wine (red or white, depends on my mood) or Vodka soda
4. How would you describe your clothing style? Girly and classic. I very rarely wear pants, I love dresses and skirts, and I almost always wear heels.
5. Silver or gold? Color wise, silver, but I would prefer white gold or platinum.
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out? I usually throw them out
7. Tea or coffee? Coffee in the morning, iced tea in the afternoon
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change? He leaves his clothes on the floor, I hate that! The hamper is RIGHT THERE!
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon? We went to Costa Rica, it was AMAZING!
10. Do you like to talk on the phone? Not a big phone talker, but I do like to talk to my mom on my 10 minute drive home. I talk to my H a few times throughout the day, usually just for a minute or two at a time. I am not much of a phone chatter, I just like to say what needs to be said and move on.
Yeah it does! I sure hope the bar I am going to after work has Pineapple Sky!
Since its slooooww here today, I made up this random GTKY
1. Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse? House
2. Lake or ocean? Ocean
3. Fave alcoholic beverage? Beer
4. How would you describe your clothing style? Casual
5. Silver or gold? Silver
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out? I have kept some, but not all
7. Tea or coffee? tea
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change? Yes - he chews
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon? We did Disneyworld
10. Do you like to talk on the phone? Yes.
1. Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse?
2. Lake or ocean?
3. Fave alcoholic beverage?
Rum & diet Coke with lime
4. How would you describe your clothing style?
Hmm... Casual, I guess.
5. Silver or gold?
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out?
Toss I hate "stuff".
7. Tea or coffee?
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change?
I wish he weren't such a night owl. On the weekends, I have to bribe him if I want us to get out of the house before noon. And even then, it's maybe 11am. Half the day's over by then!
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon?
We went on a Caribbean cruise.
10. Do you like to talk on the phone?
Not really. It depends. Lately, it's hard for me to talk to my family on the phone, because that makes me miss them even more, thus making me sad. I do talk to my BFF almost every day.
1. Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse?
A little house
2. Lake or ocean?
Ocean, I love the beach
3. Fave alcoholic beverage?
4. How would you describe your clothing style?
Jeans and T-shirt girl
5. Silver or gold?
Silver or white gold
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out?
Keep until I have way too many of them laying around and have to trash them.
7. Tea or coffee?
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change?
We both have worked in food service so he has a hard time going out for dinner without critiquing every last thing. And he likes to go to bed early and get up early while I am a total night owl and like my beauty sleep in the morning, he brings me breakfast in bed sometimes(which is sweet) but he does it at 7 because he thinks it will get me up.
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon?
We spent a week in Maui, it was incredible. My highlight was getting to stay at the Ritz Carlton the last 3 days as a surprise. I wish I was still on that's my happy place.
10. Do you like to talk on the phone?
I'd rather text but I don't mind it.
1. Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse?
2. Lake or ocean?
3. Fave alcoholic beverage?
Midori sour
4. How would you describe your clothing style?
girlie casual
5. Silver or gold?
silver or white gold
6. Do you keep cards (like birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc) or throw them out?
some usually the ones from my grandma and hubs and my mom
7. Tea or coffee?
8. Does your DH have any annoying habits you wish you could change?
not lifting the seat when he uses the restroom... he just aims between the hole and leaves his closet door open all the time
9. Where did you (or will you) honeymoon?
cruise to mexico
10. Do you like to talk on the phone?
only to hubby and my mom if not i prefer texting
Ohh I love Midori sour's. I remember when a friend of mine took me to a bar for my birthday when I first moved down here, I think it was the Blue Moon Saloon, any ways so I ordered a Midori Sour and the old dude sitting next me in a drunken slur "Whats that you drinking ... Coolant!?" Lol I thought it was so funny because he was dead serious and this was a horrible bar to take a single girl... nothing but old sleazy(sp?) men and a creepy girl how asked for my number! hahahahaha