I totally didn't get to weigh in on your post and I didn't know if you would see it down there.
So I'd say:
get some of the side snapping shirts (way easier to change than a onesie at the beginning and won't rub the cord stump)
Swing ( DD had periods where she hated it but now she loves it most of the time ) but we only used it for sleeping
Do you have a boppy? I'd recommend one, even when you stop BFing you can use it to feed her on (to prop her up) , to learn to sit etc.
I LOVE the lansinoh clean and condition cloths, DD has really sensitive skin and these don't bother her in the least.
A few pacis (we use nuk genius ) I said we weren't going to use one until after a month....yeah right, I gave in. AND SOON once I realized she was just comfort sucking.
As far as the cloth diapers we started them on day 3. We had kissaluvs size 0 and they were fabulous (and thirsties covers).
Depending on the size of your LO the BG3.0's won't fit right away. Now those are Pocket diapers, not all in ones, because you have to stuff them. Just want to make sure we are talking about the same thing.
If they are all in ones they would be sized OR organic (that one is one size).
I had extra sheets because i thought there would be all these leaks, but honestly in cloth diapers I never have them (ok I think it has happened 1x at night and that was user error part of the absorbant part was sticking out).
For YOU , Lanolin cream for your nips, a peri bottle for your lady bits, nursing pads so you don't leak all over and some nursing tanks/bras that are nice and soft.
Re: :::Meghan:::
Yeah, we do have a couple of the side-snapping t-shirts, but we could definitely use some more. Good point!
You're right, the bumgenius aren't all-in-ones, sorry. So much new terminology, haha! But all I need for those is the actual diaper and the cloth insert, right? Or am I missing something else? I'm hoping the newborn insert will help with the fitting in the beginning, but we're prepared to use disposables until he fits in them (and they might fit him in some outfits, but not others, I think).
I'm glad to hear you never have leaks!!
I definitely need to get some nursing pads. Those are going on the list.
Thank you so much!