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Re: Anyone need to vent?
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1) Money, money, money!
We don't have any. I have a stack of bills sitting here past due. And I still have to order fuucking gravel!
2) Casey's party
This stupid shindig is approaching fast, and the yard and master bath are far from done. Additionally, this party is draining our bank account, so Casey posted his guitar for sale on CL. This surprise party I'm throwing FOR HIM is actually costing him. WTH!!!!!!!! I just started crying yesterday when I saw the email confirmation for his CL post.
3) I'm hungry!
Idk if its just me, but when I get hungry, I get mean. And I'm reallllll hungry. This is just the cherry on top of all the stress.
ETA: I'd cancel the party if the invites weren't already mailed. If I did that I would look like the biggest flake ever, and my ILs would give me shiit.
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
Did you say vent??? OH YES!! I am so stressed out about this move! I feel like we've been working our bums off to get all of the repairs done to our house that have been requested and there always feels like there is MORE to do.
We fly out to Phoenix on Thursday to house hunt but still don't know what our house is selling for so we have no idea how much we'll make here. This is a paid move so we're really lucky but we are jumping through more hoops than a three ring circus!!
I need a drink!!
Aw, I'm sorry you're dealing with all that stress.
I'm sure things will calm down once the party is over and you guys can bounce back from all the spending. *hugs*
And I totally get mean when I get hungry. I think it's a blood sugar issue. I go from being totally fine to "if you don't have a granola bar, get the eff outta my way" in like 2.5 seconds. I can't tell you how many times I've eaten something and then had to apologize to Mike for whatever I said to him immediately prior to eating it.
Yes! I've done this so many times! And this stupid cleanse diet is killing me, although I know it'll be worth it in the end, foodies don't diet so well!
I keep telling myself that next month we'll start snowballing debt, and we'll finally have our finished house, no more erratic spending on the house. But it is just so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when there is a stack of bills staring at me :-/
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
Yeah, it's hard to remain positive when you're stressing over money AND doing a cleanse diet. That's a total double whammy.
Do they know $ is tight? If so, they should be offering to help you a little.
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Yea... I do the saaaaaaame thing to CJ so we now pack a granola bar in my purse so I am good to go for a while hahahaha
Tay, I 100% understand what you mean about money... it is hard and you two have a lot on your plate, like Meghan said once the party is dones, and i think once they house is done you will def feel better when it comes to the green stuff.
@Jenn, August is going to be tight too, b/c we'll be paying July's past due bills on top of the August bills. *Hopefully* in September we'll be able to start paying off debt. I can't wait!
@Sommer, the ILs don't really know much about us. I just know they would talk ish amongst themselves and declare me the biggest flake evaaa.
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!