SIL is getting married in September and has recently registered at Bed Bath and Beyond and Target.
She lives in DH's Great Aunts (she passed away 2 years ago) house which is fully furnished and has everything she would need kitchen wise.
I understand her and her FI want new things, but the stuff on their registry is really expensive.
She has $3k worth of china on there and has serving spoons priced at $50 each.
Personally, for two people that cannot afford to live on their own, I don't understand why they need this expensive stuff.
When DH and I registered we were realistic with the things we put on our registry. If we would not spend the money on something ourselves, we didn't expect anyone else to do it either.
Am I wrong to feel that they are asking for too much?
Her Dad has already shelled out over $20k for a wedding and it seems like she just keeps asking for more..
Re: Wedding registry question.
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
For real!
I do slightly judge people for their registries. At the end of the day though, it's really none of your concern. Maybe they put all of that on there so they could get the registry leftovers discount. I know we totally added some pricier items on ours, knowing we wouldn't get them, but just so we could get the discount!
I think when we registered for stuff we "knew our audience" if you will, so we tried to register for stuff that was in a range of what people we were inviting could afford. We dind't register for China because we are just not that china having kind of people. we have a couple "big ticket" items but i din't think we registered for anything over $300 because we honestly don't expect anyone to spend that much on us.
I will say when we were at BBB the lady told us to "go crazy" because this is the one time in our life where to most people money is no matter... but i just didn't feel comfotable with that.
We did that.
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
are you for real?
That is ABSURD, I'm sorry we paid about $4k for our wedding, we did what we could afford and after the fact our parents gave us money (we didn't expect it)
We, like you registered for practical things, things we would use.
That makes me mad for you.
If they can't afford to live on their own then why are they spending a small fortune on a wedding.
20k is a pretty kick rearend down payment on a house, or a good down payment and a nice used car...
TOTALLY true though!
We had a few different people that we hardly know give us >$500 in cash. So unexpected (and ahmazing!)
I still agree though, people should consider their audience when registry shopping.
If they can't afford to live on their own then maybe I'm just being mean but would they really be looking to purchase the really expensive things off of their registry, even at a discount?
It's all even numbers so it wasn't that hard to add! lol
Seriously though, $1200 in plates?
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I understand that, but it makes me really upset that DH's parents tried to control our wedding and what was on our registry, but let her get away with this.
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lol, I hear ya, they sound like major douchers.
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
Meh. I understand your frustration - really!
I would just try to not let it get to you!
They are paying for nothing. FIL is paying for everything.
Her FI barely bought her an engagement ring. DH's parents allowed him to take diamonds from her Great Aunt's rings and have them put all together in one ring. (This totally pissed DH and his brother off! They would have loved to have given me and my SIL a ring.)
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Now THIS I have no problem being judgmental over. I think not paying for your wedding is ridiculous. Two adults should be able to plan accordingly for an event that they are using as a start to their lives. If parents offer to pay, fine, but it should never be expected.
I'm not. I just wanted to make sure that it just wasn't me thinking that they were asking for too much.
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My parents gave both my sister and I 10k for our weddings, anything that went above that was our responibilty to take care of. I would never dream in a million years to ask them for more, since they have already don't so much. I never expected them to do that, i just figured if i had to do it at the justice of the peace for now and save up for a bigger one later then fine.
I honestly thing this is a classic case as my mom would say, "living the life with champagne taste on a beer budget"
HAHA! My Dad says "Living the Hollywood lifestyle with a Tijuana checkbook"
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LOL where do our parents come up with this stuff? hahaha
That is awesome!