Since the Hy-Vee is new to the area, every commerical break they play it.
In it are 3 shots of a lady in a red shirt "dancing" around about the "helpful smile, in every aisle." I'm trying to figure out where the 3 shots are.
I've got the first one down... from the bridge of the Rhythm City Casino, looking to the south at the Centennial Bridge.
The second... no clue! The background is a shot of high rises of a city (doesn't look like Des Moines to me).
The third she is walking past a store in a more historic area. I'm thinking the Omaha Old Town area, but I might be wrong.
If anyone sees this commercial and knows the places, I'm curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: That Hy-Vee commercial
We don't have hy-vee down here in Decatur. Our grocery options are limited to Kroger, Wal-Mart, and Aldi.
Where I moved from, we had all of those plus Hy-Vee and Schnucks.
Oh, and every single time I go to Kroger, I call it Gerbes. That's what it's called in Columbia, MO. In the Kansas City area, it's Dillons. All the same store.
I had no idea that Gerbes was Kroger until Thanksgiving this past year! I went to the Gerbes in JCMO, and was shocked to see Kroger brand items in the shelves! We went to Gerbes as a kid and I never knew that!
Thanks Mom & Dad for letting me use my Kroger card and getting your "points"