1. I'm not sure if I can make it tomorrow. DH has friends from the east coast at comic-con in San Diego and possibly wants to drive down there tomorrow to meet up with them. I've been protesting and will update later tonight. I really want to go to the GTG because I need to meet more lovely LA ladies!
2. (Sorry if this is TMI) My thyroid gland doesn't work, literally, I'm prone to gaining weight easily and have gained 3 pounds since my wedding in early June (mostly due to all the baking I've been doing since the summer hasn't been great). I'm feeling really self conscious about it and have ramped upped my physical activity again.
However, when I was riding my beach cruiser to Trader Joe's, some loony tune did the following glance and yelled "that's a bike ride, fatty!" There was nobody in front or behind me on the bike path. I wanted to cry. Then the cashier at TJ's asked how my day was going and I felt the tears welling up in my eyes
I was going to make homemade mushroom and spinach ravioli for dinner, but I'm too depressed. Is it too early for wine?
Re: I think I'm going to cry...
Number 1: It's never too early for wine!!
Number 2: I'm sure you look fabulous!! 3 lbs. is nothing! I probably gain and lose that every week : )
Number 3: I'm really bummed you might not make it! I'm really looking forward to getting us all together! I hope you can make it!
I hope your evening gets better!!
This. I'm obsessed with weighing myself lately (I'm thinking it's because we're going to Maui this summer and I've gained ten pounds since my wedding a year ago...), and my weight changes so much throughout the day. It's insane!
what a jackass...seriously, though, i've gained weight since my wedding. who hasn't? don't worry about that guy..he is obviously a loser.
OK, I just tried to reply to this but it deleted my message. Arghh!
Ironically, ComiCon is the EXACT reason that I couldn't make it this weekend. My hubby works in video games, so we ended up having to trek down there with his boss (and to visit with friends in the industry - yay!)
Don't listen to that creepface. Not sure what his agenda is, but he is definitely not worth your time.
Also, I know that you and I live in the same area (Hermosa/Redondo) so I would LOVE to meet you (and anyone else) for a walk or bike ride. I too am trying to up my physical activity, and it's always nice to have someone to help you along!!!
Chin up - and it's never too early for wine
Perfect! Let's set up a walking date for this week!
Let me know when you're available, and we'll go from there. I'm super open - so can work with any time/day.
Hooray for Walk Dates!