I got a bin and started composting about 8 months ago (in the middle of winter). For the longest time I dumped things in and never paid any attention. For the past month or so, I am totally amazed by what is going on in that bin. Every time I open the lid, it sounds like something is percolating in there. I can see so many little critters and in some respects I'm skeeved out but I find that I can't stop watching it.
I need to add more browns as it's too wet in there but other than that, I am so amazed.
Suggestions for browns? I have been putting in tp and paper towel rolls, used tissues, qtips, hair, brown bags. I'm hesitant to use newspaper until I find out what the ink is derived from as well as regular paper (that's been printed on).
Re: The marvel of composting
**new here***
For a second, I was excited to start composting. But just the thought of having to take care of it and keep it from animals etc scares me. I want to compost so badly but getting my fam to recycle sometimes is hard enough!! Keep inspiring me!
It was a process to get my husband in to it all but he is doing so well. We keep a small steel container next to the kitchen sink to put all the kitchen scraps in and I still keep an eye on him just in case, but for the most part, he is good about getting all the appropriate scraps in the container. Now, he won't take it out and dump it in the compost bin but hey, atleast he's on board with me. We keep our recycle bin in our garage which is right next to the kitchen so that helps as well. Usually everthing piles up next to the sink after it's rinsed and then I take it out.
Soon I plan to take my kids ( 4 1/2 y/o and 3 y/o) out to see all the stuff in the compost bin. I'm waiting for it to percolate a little more.
Good luck!
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