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Poll: Can you remember what your DH said when he proposed?
I cannot.
Well not really. I've got the general jist of things committed to memory.
Re: Poll: Can you remember what your DH said when he proposed?
Yep.... and I quote...
"Do you want your ring now"
Seriously, I knew it was coming. We picked it out together. We went to dinner, came back and still nothing. When we climbed into bed I was aggrivated and then he said that to me, hahah!
Mmmm I don't remember much!
Which is silly since I KNEW it was happening that night. It was our anniversary and we were eating at The Melting Pot. I'd overheard him talking to my cousin the night before on the phone and heard him say something about "I'm doing it tomorrow night." Then during dinner he skipped out to the car and when he came back I saw him slip a box in his pocket. Then he side swiped me by giving me diamond earrings. I still thought it was happening, but phased out for awhile. All I remember him saying was "Jaye, there is one more gift I have for you..." We had promised no gifts that year and here he had already given me earrings :P Then I saw the box and got giddy...
wow that was a long drawn out response.
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
hahahaha. mine was similar. while holding my ring in one and and a mickey d's bag in the other dh said 'soo will you marry me loser' hahahaha so romantic
I found my ring (we picked it out together) one night while he was at work.
Funny thing is I wasn't even looking for it. DH hid it in my lunchbox that I never used. I went to pack my lunch for work the next day and there it was!
So I sent him a text asking if I could have
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Dang, diamond earrings AND a ring. Huge points for him!
Mike proposed at a pumpkin patch (the man understands my love of all things fall/halloween/pumpkin). I was walking around, searching for the perfect pumpkin. Mike kept suggesting different ones, but I kept rejecting them for various reasons. He finally found one with a small stem, slipped the ring on the stem, and said "How about this one?" He turned it around, and it had the ring on it. I started shaking like crazy and he said, "Will you marry me?"
I remember it like it was yesterday.
Oh, and needless to say, we bought the pumpkin. And the thing lived forEVER.
Click Me
I do, i remember every word, He switch my romise ring out of its box i keep on my night stand with my new ring and when i got out of thr shower that morning and without glasses or contacts on noticed something shiney he got down on on knew and said "Jenn, from the moment I met you I know you were special, I knew you were someone I would grow old with, I love you with all my heart and I want to give you the world. Will you be my wife??
and I cried and said yes and couldn't believe it was happening!
Cute stories.
He proposed on my birthday. Took me out to breakfast at Crackers & Co, then drove to where Greenfield Rd. deadends at the 202, overlooking desert/mountains. I pretty much knew it was coming at some point.
He pulled out a wrapped box and didn't say a word. I started to open it, saying "What is this?!" and smiling, even though of course, I could tell! I opened it and took the ring out, and he says, "It's a ring.... that is, if you want to." haahha and he was crying, and I started bawling too. So now it's our little joke. We'll ask each other something, then say... "if you want to." hehehe
Alright, Meg, you win the cutest proposal story evaaaaaaaaaa (too). lol
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
I love hearing all your stories!
Matt proposed on a camping trip I planned for HIS birthday. We were sitting around the campfire and he kept asking me to go get him a beer and I couldn't understand why he couldn't just get it himself(which I vocalized of course). So I finally got up and all I remember when I turned around from the ice chest with his beer he was on his knee in front of the fire.
All I remember after that was being shocked he was on his knee(he's had 2 knee surgeries) then he said something about talking to both sets of my parents, to which I said, "You talked to my dad???"(he'd only met him once prior and dad's a bit intimidating). I have no clue what he said after that there was just a lot of hugging, crying and laughing on my part then Matt says, "So that's a yes?" Duh.
Well, now I have to know how you met!
Whew! (wipes forehead and starts typing). This is kind of long...SORRY
Mutual acquaintences of Nick and I decided to set us up one night over 3 years ago. Orignally I was just supposed to meet up with my friend L and her boyfriend C. L called me about an hour before we were to meet up to tell me that their friend Nick was coming. I knew I was being set up, but didn't really want to deal with a new guy. So I went with the flow and showed up.
When L and C got to Zipps (Scottsdale) they were both a little tipsy. I was stark sober and hungry. So we go outside order a pitcher and some apps. Nick is nowhere to be found. L and C proceed to get into an argument for. the. next. hour. (eye roll). By this time they had called Nick a few times to see where he was and he would reply that he was on his way. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. L and C were drunk by now and all out fighting about stupid crap. So I got up and said I was leaving and went to my car. I'm basically pulling out of the parking lot with C runs to my car with Nick on the phone begging me to stay. I get on the phone with Nick and tell him this was BS and that I was tired of dealing with them. He asked nicely for me to stay - I told him, "it better be worth it."
Nick walks in and is GORGEOUS. So we start talking. We hit it off immediately. 5 minutes into our convo C decides to throw his beer in L's face in front of the entire restaurant. Yeah - that just happened. I told Nick to take his friend C home. So they leave. Story over? Not by a long shot.
C decides he isn't done with L. He runs back over calls her a bunch of really bad names, then runs to her car and proceeds to stomp out her windshield. Wait! There's more. To further his quest for looking like a total moron, he then picks up the stomped windshield and throws it across the entire parking lot. Stripes his shirt off and runs down the street screaming.
Oh yeah! I had to call the cops to come pick his drunk butt up. We ended up having to give our statements to the cops and babysit a very drunk and crying L for the rest of the evening.
Although all this crap happened, we were still digging eachother. We exchanged numbers and I called him the next day to tell him his friend C was crazy, he said my friend L was crazy too. He then asked me if he could take me out on a proper date and the rest is history.....we're getting married October 8th.