We recently moved into our first (and hopefully) forever home. The former owners divorced and neglected the yard for sometime leaving lots of overgrown bushes, shrubs, and plants. Ivy also had consumed the majority of our front yard and portions of our backyard. DH has slaved away for many months removing the ivy, and other crap, tilling, planting etc.. to the point we actually have a front yard with grass. Curb appeal is highly lacking now and I hope that I can learn more about gardening and make our house as pretty as those around us.
So, can you recommend any books/websites for novice gardeners? I am defintely new to this but hope to make this my hobby.
Thank you!
Re: Gardening Goddesses- Help a Newbie out please!
Head to the library and look for two different kinds of books: general landscaping and specific plants for your state. Don't be afraid to check out LOTS of books in case some are too advanced or boring lol
I have this book from my master gardener MIL. It walks you through general principles of good design, then how to do it, etc. It's a good intro.
I have this book for my state. I think it's a wonderful for resource when you get to the plant choosing part. Gives you the stats on common plants for your area and a quick run down of their pluses and minuses, so you aren't standing at Home Depot wondering what to buy.
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