Orange County Nesties
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So what must I eat at the fair this year? Anyone try the deep fried butter?
Just as an FYI - this week is Fullerton Restaurant week.
Anyone go to the US Open this weekend?
Anything else going on? What happened to everyone?
Re: hey OC, let's talk...
I'm sorry, did you say DEEP FRIED BUTTER? That sounds sick!
Nothing else going on with me. Just actually working really hard, dreaming of my next vacay. Not sure where we'll go, maybe Europe since we have so many stinking miles!!
Europe? Fun! Where do you plan to go?
I totally wanted to see Sublime! Was it super fun?
Any suggestions for what to put in a birthday gift/care pkg for my little sister? She's turning 20, and moving to USC next weekend. I'm planning to give her some gift cards to Coffee Bean and other food places, but open to other suggestions.
Not sure re Europe. It probably wouldn't be until at least next year, but it sure is nice to dream! I'd want to do France, Italy, Greece, Ireland. We'll see. I'm sure we'd only do 2 or 3 on one vacay.
Re sister - what about a box of things you know she'll need? I would personally put in:
- ind wrapped snack bags of things from Costco. Good to tote to class.
- Gum. Bc everyone uses gum.
- shower loofah and body wash.
- a nail polish or two
- sally hansen instant pedicure lotion
I've been wanting to try the zucchini weenie since last year. Fried butter sounds really nasty though. The mouth feel on that has got to be gross.
What are temps like in the evening/night at the fairgrounds? I'm trying to avoid being in the heat as much as possible.
I *think* that the deep fried butter is a churro that is injected w/butter and fried. Sounds pretty delish, actually
those are good suggestions, FVL. I didn't even think about those kind of basics.
Starlily: It has been pretty cool @ the beach. I was in Huntington last night and it was in the high 60's so I would guess that if you plan to go at night you should be OK temp-wise. it's been such a weird summer for weather.
Sublime was a ton of fun. Everyone stood the entire time and went crazy for every song. A lot of fun! Of course everyone was smoking all around us. After the fair my hair and clothes smelled like pot and bbq. Nice.
As far as the temperature, I think it was mid 60s but I was in jeans and a short sleeved shirt and I was fine. It was warm in the concert with all the people but it was nice while walking around the fair.
With the care package, I liked D's suggestions.
sounds like it was a fun show!
We were at the concert too. I've been to a lot of concerts where people smoked, but there were people all around us smoking, I told my dh I hope we don't get pulled over!!
I so want to go to the texas state fair to try all of the food - I saw something (60 minutes maybe?) where they interviewed the guy who comes up with all of this crazy fried stuff. insane!
2005 Most Creative Viva Las Vegas Fried Ice Cream
2005 Best Taste Fried PB, Jelly and Banana Sandwich
2006 Most Creative Fried Coke
2006 Best Taste Fried Praline Perfection
2007 Most Creative Deep Fried Latte
2007 Best Taste Texas Fried Cookie Dough
2008 Most Creative Fried Banana Split
2008 Best Taste Chicken Fried Bacon
2009 Most Creative Deep Fried Butter
2009 Best Taste Fernie's Deep Fried Peaches & Cream
but then I see all of these obese people around me and I want to hurl.
I know! I don't know why I was surprised but it was literally every person around us. I still enjoyed the show!
(Crawling out from rock)
Hi. I'm here. Today is my first day back at work since May. It seems everyone still emailed me despite knowing I was out...(sigh) This wasn't what I was dreaming this week would be like....
ugh, I'm sorry JD. That stinks. Hang in there!
Not gonna lie, I can't get over fried butter. It's right up there with turducken on the foods I don't understand list.
Will your sis have a car at USC? Is so, can you put a CLUB in her gift basket. I'd also include a gas card , a TJs gift card, and a Chipotle Card.
Hi Kirkette!
I'm not sure if she is bringing her car or not. Will have to check on that one.
TJ's gift card is a great idea. I was going to do Chipotle because there is one in her bldg, but she doesn't like Chipotle
- I plan to give her a Coffee Bean & Quizno's card (both are also in her building)
thank you for the suggestions!
Seriously, all of this fair food talk is making me kind of ill! Ssinca - holey crap, gross!
I would also recommend an In and Out GC, and perhaps a Farmville Zynga gift card.
If she doesn't have a car, TJ's is going to be pretty far from USC. The closest grocery stores are a Ralphs and a Superior Warehouse. CPK is a restaurant that is close enough with easy public transportation.
BFP#1 - 11/13/11, Natural MC - 12/24/11 at 12 weeks
BFP#2 - 10/2/12, Please be our rainbow.