I made it to 29 weeks this time before I finally caved and called the OB for pain meds. I made the mistake over the weekend (well, I did it without thinking, it was instinct, really) of picking alex up and carrying him down the stairs, and I KNEW halfway down it was a big mistake. But he was upset and DH was nowhere around. I have felt like the Thanksgiving wishbone ever since, capped off by a horrendous night of sleep last night. Just reached my limit.
So, now I'm going to pick up my script later on and feel guilty every time I take one. I just don't feel comfortable not having them in the house anymore. But I am proud of myself for getting this far. I have 9 weeks left before my C (um, hello, crazy).
In other news, I finished all my errands today nice and early, and managed to (IMO) single handedly fix the economy, although we are now broke after a massive kitchen restock at Shaw's, Hannaford & BJs. And whomever it was that bought out my Gerber coupon auction on Ebay can suck it. Jerks.
Hope everyone is having a good day!
Re: Happy, but kind of deflated.
I hope you feel better soon and don't need to take a lot of the prescription - not for Molly - I am sure she'll be fine - but for your peace of mind.
BTW - thanks for that Hannaford coupon the other day!
Look at it this way... you've made it to almost 30 weeks, more than half way through your pregnancy with no pain meds. How long did you go without them with Alex? You're at the stage now where you're getting really uncomfortable so its totally ok that you're asking for them! If it gets your through 9 more weeks, than so be it! Take it easy! = )
I have to be honest- all the credit for me getting this far goes to Matt. With him working at home...man, I just don't know how I would have done it. I try to use him as little as possible, but he is SO GOOD about helping me out.
With Alex, I was on modified bedrest and taken out of work just shy of two months before my induction...and I had requested pain meds before then. So I am probably around the same time, which I am happy with. I don't need to take them daily or anything, it's just for when it gets really bad/intolerable, which it has started doing here and there. I just feel better having them for when I really need them. Last night would have been lovely, but instead i'm trying to lay down on the couch now that the stuff that needed to get done today is done.