Okay. I remember this came up for discussion and I hadn't been to BJs in forever.
It looks like maybe, for the big packs, all the carriers have upped the price to $40. BUT, I think the BJ's packs have 10-15 more dipes in it. I was at both stores today and if memory serves me (and this is just on pampers, ladies), the BRU has like, 140 something. BJs had 160. So, they are the same price but BJs packs have more dipes.
Now, that said, BRU has coups more often than BJs does. So, my bet would be on BRU to be cheaper for dipes on the occasions that you can use a manufacturer and a BRU coupon on their dipes. Otherwise, if you are just using a manu coup at BJ's, they would be cheaper b/c they have more dipes per carton than BRU.
HTH all of you with questions!
Re: re: Babies R Us vs. BJ's (diapers)
I'm glad you did the analysis....I hate doing it!
FWIW, I buy the Market Basket dipes now. I was always a loyal Pampers Swaddler/Baby Dry buyer, but my cheapness has gotten the best of me!
IDK, I think BJs is cheaper. I get at least 1 BJs coupon in their mailer every month & can usually use a manufacture's coupon too.
Here's a C&P from an e-mail I had w/ Jen about diapers a few weeks ago.
just got back from BRU and the cost of diapers has gone up like $3/box. That is absurd. The Pampers Cruisers 124 pack is now $40.69. So that would be $0.33/diaper- where can I get a better deal? Otherwise, Cianna will be potty traned before this box is done
just bought diapers at BJs this morning. They had a box of 174 sz 4s for $42.99. There was a $3 instant manf coupon & a $3 coupon in their mailer, so I paid $36.99 for 174 diapers or $.21 per diaper!
I'm still sticking with Target store brand and only buying diapers for Caroline now anyway. Jakob is in training undies and I've bought washable ones that I can reuse over and over, so now I'm the ultimate in cheap
I'm finding the washables so easy that I'm even considering switching over to cloth diapers for Caroline.........
NO! I didn't know you could use multiple manufacturer's coupons at BJs! I thought you were limited to ONE per box! WTF! I wish I knew that!
Thanks for the info.:) Sweet!