I'm new to gardening - it's my second year. Last year was so mild that I barely got 3 ripe tomates...at the end of the season I had to throw out SO many green tomatoes.
This year it's much warmer and I'm actually getting tomatoes that are turning. However, I have not gotten to eat ONE because something keeps eating them before me! At first I thought it was birds, so we got bird netting and put that all around it. And it's still happening!
Whatever it is will only eat the tomatoes that are turning red and ripening. It does not touch my cherry tomatoes, only the big ones.
Anyone have any thoughts - I'm guessing bugs, but I haven't seen any on them. Any suggestions to help keep whatever it is away so that I can enjoy at least one of my tomatoes?
Thanks in advance...
Re: Gah! Something's eating my tomatoes!!!!!
I was having the same problem & I read online that there are a few things you can do.
1. Sprinkle cayenne pepper on the plants.
2. Make a mixture of hot sauce, garlic, cayenne peppers & water. Spray it liberally on the plants leaves & fruits. It keeps away many different bugs & pests.
I used the second one & it worked well for me. I sprayed the plants every few days to make sure that it hadn't washed off. Just make sure you wash the tomatoes before you eat them. Good luck!
Spectacular idea! I will do this tonight! I really like that it's a natural remedy too. THANKS!!
You can also just sprinkle the cayenne pepper on the ground around the plants. It's the smell that acts as a deterrent.
Is it leaving anything behind with teeth marks? I compared teeth marks last year to determine that it was deer that kept biting my green tomatoes and then leaving them on the plant.