Just so you know I'm actually planning on no epidural - whether or not I can follow thru is another thing.
What I have heard here though is that there is a 90% epidural rate at HSV Hospital (not sure about Crestwood). You just need to be clear w/ your doctors and the L&D staff and make sure your husband is on board too.
I don't have a written birthplan and I really haven't had to talk about it w/ the dr yet but just let them know.
I have a doula friend who recommended some hypnobirthing tapes - but I sort of ran out of time.
As far as "birthing center" - you probably won't find that in HH or CW - LIke I said - Alabama has a very "Western" view of thinking here and it's gotten so routine to have a medicated birth that they don't really offer the accomodations that will actually ASSIST you in a natural birth - not that it can't be done though.
Re: tippykins...
thx for the info!!
yea that's what i was afraid of. i've been looking around trying to research some things before dh and i start ttc-ing. and it wasn't look very encouraging as far as natural/home births. i was thinking that if i wasn't able to have a home birth, then my best option would be to have a doula to help me through. i've also started reading up on vaxes and trying to see what is required by AL. i know, i'm neurotic! but it seems like AL/hsv isn't very accomodating for those trying to deviate from the norm.
good luck with birth!!! that is awesome!!
good luck to you.
Check out A Nurturing Moment store in S. Huntsville. They might have a contact for a doula
thanks, girl!
i hoping that by the time i get pg a lot more resources will be available (i think that is wishful thinking, but a girl can dream can't she?!).