Hi all,
We just moved to a new house that is adjacent to a nature easement (ie. all natural, tons of weeds, plants, animals, etc). Our yard was nothing but weeds, plants, brambles, etc. We cleared it all away and are now ready to create a useable yard space. We have two small daughters and I want them to play freely out there. We're going to try to use moss on the outer areas, and a low maintenance grass varietal on the center area that we'll be running on a lot.
All the landscapers I've talked to said that we need to seriously blast the whole yard with pesticides the first year to kill off all the weeds and that if we don't do that nothing will grow, but I have no desire to do this! I don't want my kids out playing on that!
Does anyone know of any natural way to kill really, really resilient and entrenched weeds? Any advice or tips appreciated. If anyone is in the DC area and knows any good organic lawn people, please pass along their info too. Thanks!
Re: Help me get a pesticide free lawn
The only natural way is to dig, dig, dig and weed, weed weed. You have to pull out every weed that grows before it goes to seed.
It's tough. Really tough when you're not working with an established lawn.
This. I have never started a lawn before, but out allotment had Loads of couch grass. The only answer was to dig it all out and then plant what we want to grow.
I'd definitely get a second (or third or more) opinion.
Its all green when you mow it. So if all you're wanting is a space for the kids to rough and tumble, I say just leave it and mow.
There are a some Green lawncare books out there. If you cultivate a healthy grass naturally it will choke out the weeds. I hand pull the fastest growing ones and dandilions, but I just leave everything else and we mow high.