Hey Monica!!!
We are planning a trip to Italy in May (that's the plan thus far, we are just awaiting my job situation. Hopefully it won't affect that as I'll build vaca as of day 1). Brad has already started researching and has a lot of it figured out. We are going to Florence, Rome, and Venice.
Amy (Soon2BMrsWiley) went on her HM and gave us some rec's too so I'd be interested in yours as well since you've been so much!!!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think Brad has done most of his research by doing it where we would book everything together w/our airfare, B&Bs and train tickets........
Thanks girl and hope the family is doing well!!!
Re: FutureMrsWagner
OMG! May is the most PERFECT time of year to be there. You are going to LOVE it! I'm so jealous...can I come? LOL!
I'll post later today when Caleb is napping so that I can give you detailed info on where we stayed and everything. Check back later!
That's what Brad thought and he said its cheaper, cooler and its also easier for him to leave work that time of the year.
OH and feel free to email me if you want - aubie96@yahoo.com
sending hugs to Caleb!!!!
I'm so glad that you posted this. If our Europe trip works out, Italy is tops on our list...we really want to see Rome. I'd be very interested in your recs too, Monica!
Any good hotel recs?
What's the best way to get from place to place...train or plane?
UABblazer83 @ aol dot com - if you'd rather e-mail
We would probably be going in Jan or Feb...with my job, it's really hard for me to take a big vacation in the spring/summer. Jan/Feb would be our "off season"...and from what I've read, it's also the slow season in Europe. The only problem would be the weather....
I think Brad (ha, my Brad) did all his research off of www.europeandestinations.com I think that's what it was, or something of the like. He was able to find the airfare, the B&Bs and the trains (which the way we were told to go and what I did ALL throughout Europe, except the arrival and departure) and it was VERY reasonable.
I hadn't heard anything about the smell in Venice?!?!!? What's that about?
My first phrase to learn is - "I'm allergic to garlic!!!" But my stepdad's BF who is Italian (is the French and Italian professor at FSU) has told me that ALL the food is custom/hand prepared so I should be fine.
HTH and I'm sure Monica will provide some insight too.
I'll let you know what we find out from my stepdad's friend as well.
Okay, since there are several of you who want info, I'll just post here instead of emailing.
The first thing I would do when planning a trip to Italy is to get Rick Steves Italy book. I have the 2007 edition, but he revises it yearly so you can get the 2008 edition. It has a TON of great info in it as well as recs for B&B's, hotels, hostels, restaurants, etc. Also, go to Tripadvisor.com if you haven't already. That was a tremendous help to me b/c you can read real people reviews as well as see pics and get pricing.
As for the smell in Venice... I would not say that it is overwhelming at all. Honestly, the only time you will smell it is if you are walking down a tiny alley that is off the beaten path. It comes from the water. I hardly ever notice it. Venice is VERY touristy. Just be prepared for that. There are tons of tourists from all over the world walking around with their cameras/videos/tourists books, etc. Venice is not one of those places that you go to expecting an "Italian village" kind of feel. However, I absolutely LOVE it. Aside from the small village (Treviso) that my Dad is from, Venice is my favorite!!! It becomes a different city at night...so if at all possible, try to stay there rather than somewhere else overnight. The tourists leave and it becomes this romantic magical place. The lights reflecting down on the water...the gondolas passing under bridges...the gondoliers singing...the orchestras playing in San Marco....people slow dancing...OMG...it is amazing! We stayed at Locanda Orseolo which is the #1 rated B&B on Trip Advisor. Check this place out and read the reviews...even if you can only afford to stay there one night it is worth it! Here is the review I wrote after our trip last year:
We stayed 2 nights at Hotel Dolomiti. From the outside, it does not look nice at all. It is in a building with other hotels, and the area is not the best. Once you walk inside, however, things begin to look up. The building itself is actually very nice. Service at the front desk is suffucient...not overly friendly or helpful, but good enough. The rooms we had were exceptionally clean and the AC worked well. You have to leave your room key plugged into an outlet by the door in order for the AC and lights to work. The bathroom was very nice and clean (although our towels did have a strange smell to them). Breakfast was just okay. Nothing special at all. Croissants, processed cheese, bad-looking ham, room-temperature milk. Cappucinos were alright...you have to ask for them. Overall, not a bad experience....though next time I will stay in a nicer part of Rome.
As for Florence, I can't be much help here. I haven't been since I was kid. We planned to go last year and even had a hotel booked, but ended up cancelling b/c we just could not fit it in. However, if you are staying more than one day in Florence, you may want to check out AccidentalTourist.com: http://www.accidentaltourist.com/florence_wine_tasting_tuscany.htm
We wanted to go here so bad for a wine tasting and cooking class. I read great things about it. They pick you up and drop you off in Florence.
I have not been to Capri, although I'm SURE it is AMAZING and would LOVE to go one day! The Amalfi coast is supposedly one of the most beautiful places to visit.
The trains are the way to travel. Fast and pretty cheap.
Just make sure to eat lots and lots of gelato and pizza while there. After having it, you will never look at American ice cream and pizza the same!
HTH! Let me know if you have any more questions...My heart belongs to Italy...especially since both of my grandparents there passed away. I would go every year if possible.
Celeste...IMO, ANY time is a GOOD time to visit Italy! LOL! But, yes, it will be FREEZING cold in Jan/Feb. We were there in Dec once and I thought I was going to die! Just bundle up...it'll still be great!
Thanks SO much Monica, I just sent all your info to Brad
as he's our "party planner" for this!!!! I'll def let you know if we need any more info.
Thanks again!!!
Alesha, we're planning on going for about 10 days - but that's b/c DH can only take 6 business days off at a time.
I would say it depends on how far each location is from one another and where you are talking about going exactly. 10 days would definitely be best, if you can. Jim only stayed a week and we felt like we were rushed and it seemed like he was leaving practically as soon as he got there. It's so far and the flights are expensive, so you may as well stay as long as you can. We usually stay 2 weeks!