And I REALLY wish I was kidding!
About two weeks ago I noticed what looked like a shaving rash on my leg. Slowly over the next week that shaving rash turned into full on hives that covered me everywhere my clothing didn't cover. Turns out I have an allergy to an airborne spore that comes out this time of year in Wisconsin (and parts of Minnesota and Michigan). Doctor's orders were to hightail it out of the state because it spread to my organs. So I wrapped up work on Monday, trained my replacement in about 5 minutes (which, btw, is a little depressing to think that I can be replaced in 5 minutes...), packed up all my crap, and got out.
So now I'm at my parent's house in northern Minnesota (where these spores don't live) just waiting it out until I start my journey down to Phoenix! The bummer part is I was planning on working at that camp again next year maybe. But now that I know I'm allergic to the whole freakin' state that may not be an option. I think my body was just meant to live in a desert where plants just don't exist.
Anywho, while the hives are gone the itchiness is DRIVING ME INSANE! It gets worse at night so I'm here, itchy and unable to sleep. But at least I don't look like I have leprosy anymore.
Re: I'm Allergic To Wisconsin
Eeek! Glad you got out of there!